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AstraZeneca vaccine still under accusation: “Take 3G at the most”

OXFORD (POMEZIA) – A few days after the announcement of the lowest effectiveness of the South African variant, other critics came to the "vaccine" AstraZeneca. According to what we read on social media, the vaccine would also be accused by conspiracy theorists NoVax, but not for the usual delusional reasons: “In the AstraZeneca vaccine there is a 5G nanochip that does not take any 3G, it works a shit – explains Chupacabra TerrapiattusI was vaccinated on purpose to increase the speed of my connection and instead I had nothing, no data, no calls, no immunity! “ .

Known by the acronym ChAdOx1 and the result of the merger of the talents of the Anglo-Swedish society AstraZeneca and the Irbm Science Park in Pomezia, the preparation of the compound suffered several accidents: a first stage linked to a transverse myelitis in a of the volunteers, a second due to errors in the Phase III process, a certified effectiveness of 60% until a few days ago and which has now been raised to 82%. It is for this beautiful curriculum that Italy has reserved 40 million doses of this vaccine, although, however, opening online reservations for the vaccination campaign, the Ministry specified that only the last to reserve will receive the AstraZeneca vaccine. .

Other signs should be warned about the non-impeccability of ChAdOx1, such as the WHO ranking on Covid remedies ordered for effectiveness: in this list, the AstraZeneca vaccine is very low, immediately after urination. horse, Goji berries and suicide. Not to mention some inside rumors that the vaccine was behaving so badly during the process that the company was considering marketing the placebo.

The AstraZeneca vaccine was originally designed for people over 80 years of age, then the threshold was lowered to those under 65 years of age, then there was talk of less than 55 years of age, only to make progress, when the vaccine was shown to immunize. against coronavirus 100 percent those over 65 who have already taken two doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

Despite numerous efforts to make it presentable, the Anglo-English preparation continues to leave something to be desired, as can be seen from the review left by a 55-year-old who received the AstraZeneca vaccine on the TripadVIRUS website:

AstraZeneca vaccine: “Maybe too exotic”
The Anglo-Italian creation, yet another demonstration that the philosophy of fusion does not work. I didn’t like it very much, although for me, who is from Velletri, it’s an almost zero mile product. I have found dubious side effects, such as bilateral pneumonia – which I’m sure won’t be vaccinated – the desire to bow down in front of 94-year-olds and an unusual tendency to tear out sluts. I don’t plan to return in the next pandemic.

Stefano Pisani

The article Vaccine AstraZeneca always under accusation: "Take 3G at the most" comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/vaccino-astrazeneca-ancora-sotto-accusa-ci-prendi-al-massimo-il-3g / u Mon, 08 Feb 2021 10:09:21 +0000.

The article Vaccine AstraZeneca still under accusation: "Take 3G at the most" comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/vaccinu-astrazeneca-sempre-sottu-accusazione-pigliate-3g-a-u-piu/ on Mon, 08 Feb 2021 17:07:24 +0000.