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Egypt. Another 45 days in prison for Zaki, comes the Court’s motivation: “Breathe again”

CAIRO – One week later, there are reasons for extending Patrick Zaki's detention by the Egyptian Court of Assisi by another 45 days: "Breathe again" . Egyptian prosecutors have in fact confirmed that, despite the fact that more than a year has passed since the day of the questionable arrest (February 7, 2020) “the reasons for his imprisonment remain, since he is still alive ” .

An explanation that raised little concern in Hoda Nasrallah, Patrick’s lawyer who, we recall, had to wait more than 48 hours before knowing the outcome of the January 17 hearing last year – a result that has been his then communicated in demotic hieroglyphs.

The accusations of Zaki, an Egyptian activist and human rights researcher, are very serious: threats to national security, incitement to illegal demonstrations, subversion, dissemination of false news but, above all, the most serious: propaganda in favor of rights humans.

Ten years after the 2011 Egyptian national uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak, Egyptians are living under a repressive government that stifles all forms of dissent and peaceful expression. The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights – the association of which Zaki is a member as a researcher – called years ago for a complete overhaul of the civil rights system in Egypt, or at least a return to the liberal situation that existed at the time. 'epic of slaves.of pyramids.

Some international commentators have questioned why the Italian government did not protest against this controversial detention to say the least, for example by recalling the Italian ambassador to Egypt. The same international commentators reminded that Luigi di Maio is the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Stefano Pisani

The article Egypt. Another 45 days in a cell for Zaki, comes the Court's motivation: "Breathe again" comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/egitto-altri-45-giorni-di-cella-per-zaki-arriva-la-motivazione -della-corte-respira-ancora / u Mon, 12 Apr 2021 09:06:55 +0000.

The article Egypt. Another 45 days in prison for Zaki, comes the Court's motivation: "Breathe again" comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/egittu-un-altru-45-ghjorni-di-prigio-per-zaki-ghjunghje-a-motivazione-di-a-corte-rispira-dino/ on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 13:29:00 +0000.