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Fanpage survey on Communism failed: 100 hours of footage just to make a list of acronyms

NAPLES, Fanpage editorial team – Try it, they took it seriously; but the result is a journalist in a confused state and 100 hours of footage full of far-left acronyms, where it is unclear what distinguishes one micro-movement from another.

It all starts with the challenge launched by Giorgia Meloni :

"Why didn't you ever investigate the Communists?" eh ?! EH ?! I have you in chestnut! And give me a blowjob! EEEH! >>

And so the director Francesco Cancellato took up the challenge, but more than wanting to show the "commune daa Garbatella" – thus fulfilling the prophecy of Crosetto – not to discount anyone, but for the true conviction.

In fact, the perplexities that landed in the depths of his heart were not so wrong. Among the movements of the far left it seems that the most popular sport is not to raise money for the election campaign or to praise communist dictatorships, but rather to accuse others of poor purity, and then spread at the first slight hints. of differences along the political line.

“At one point I saw a dissolving movement even as I was interviewing the two founders. They started calling them fascists and soon after they founded two new micro-movements! It was terrible! Every time I finish the "picture", someone is sharing somewhere or a new organization is born! >>

This is how the poor Fanpage journalist comments , as he is about to be loaded into the ambulance that will take him to the Aversa asylum (reopened for the occasion), to try to free himself from the state of prostration. where it is located.

"But that's not enough!" I even saw an organization of a member divided by the reformist wing of the party led by his imaginary friend! A wonderful thing! I endured three years of Roman greetings and racist and homophobic jokes without batting an eyelid, but this inquiry on the left revealed me in no time! I had already done almost 100 hours of filming and I hadn’t even started! >>

The director, with a paternal attitude, tries to reassure his best correspondent and invites me to follow.
Arriving at a door, he turned and looked at me intently; his eyes seemed to emit a strange light. Then, with a disturbing smile, he suddenly added: u0026lt ; u0026lt; I didn’t sacrifice my best journalism for anything. Now shot lovers will have to run a great marathon! >>

And at this point it opens the door and what I see is incredible; In a scene like The Orange Clockwork, I find the "Duchess of Tufello" , alias Giorgia Meloni , tied and gagged to a chair, and with her head blocked by a mechanism equipped with pliers, which prevent her from flashing. need Ed], as in the famous scene of the film Kubrick, where the infamous "Ludovico care" applies to the protagonist. In this case, however, instead of the violent scenes, the hour of 100 that drove the poor journalist Fanpage crazy is broadcast.

U0026lt; u0026lt; And now let's see if I can always break the balls with the damn shot! What is there to argue about the boys making the fascist salute and telling jokes about the Jews ?! What is it wanted to see a new “Crystal Night” to condemn ?! Well! Meanwhile, you have 100 hours of communists fighting and spreading all the time; then you see! >>

And with this final release of Cancellato we can't agree.

Federico Graziani

NOTE: Sorry for the acronyms left out of the image, but it plays really fast enough to find them all.

The article failed the Fanpage survey on Communism: 100 hours of footage just to make the list of acronyms comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from Italian of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/fallita-linchiesta-di-fanpage-sul-comunismo-100-ore-di-girato-solo -per-fare-la-lista-delle-sigle / u Fri, 22 Oct 2021 09:13:45 +0000.

The article Fanpage's investigation into Communism failed: 100 hours of footage just to make the list of acronyms comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/linchiesta-di-fanpage-in-u-cumunismu-ha-fiascatu-100-ore-di-filmati-solu-per-fa-a-lista-di-lacronimi/ on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 03:38:00 +0000.