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He called for left-wing politics: the PD’s political instinct was out of the air

The echoes of the FanPage journalistic investigation into Fratelli d'Italia have not yet disappeared, in which the deepest and most radical moods of the party led by Giorgia Meloni are shown, in the video we see FdI members praising Hitler , mocking Jews and immigrants and, who would have imagined it, making the Roman salute many times. Although for Meloni, especially during the election period, this video turned out to be a bad thing, for other members of his group, more linked to the territory, it is nothing more than a beautiful election spot: “ Ahahah, how nice, my old holes that fascists are among the ranks of the Brothers of Italy? But don't tell me . ” Speaking is a politician linked to Michetti's lists in Rome, Giorgione Tesdrumo, who adds: "I wear it even more times, even here in Rome I do it, however, we recommend it, vote for it!" “.

But while many weren’t surprised by this story, the even more recent investigation by FascPage has caused a unanimous scandal. In particular, the video in which a Democratic Party politician invokes left- wing politics with impunity and repeatedly. Fascpage revealed how – incredibly – some members of the PD are still concerned about the country’s social policies. In the video, a candidate from the team led by Enrico Letta can be heard saying something in favor of the weaker classes: " We need to leave more money in the pockets of the workers!" “. For years and years, these words have not been heard in the ranks of the party, a false step so awkward as to create embarrassment even on the upper floors.

The party secretary, Enrico Letta, spoke closely: “We will see, but I am sure it is a boutade, it is not in our DNA to talk about left-wing politics, I asked Fascpage the whole video to assess the possibility expulsion from the political party that has expressed such serious concepts, which takes us back decades, when abstruse and violent concepts such as equality and solidarity have been cultivated in politics, lead to monstrous results such as progressive taxation and health free public ”.

In short, a hard blow for the Democratic Party, just two weeks after the decisive vote in Rome, Turin, and other cities, as evidenced by the reactions of the grassroots: " I was shocked – says a historic voter – I don’t believe it that when we leave someone still vaguely progressive, now I just have to go back to Italia Viva , at least I’m sure no one knows what it means to be on the left, goodbye dear Enrico Letta ”.

Sergio Marinelli

The article invokes the politics of the left: the political ingenuity of the PD comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/invocava-politiche-di-sinistra-fuori-onda-inguaia-politico-del-pd/ u Thu, 07 Oct 2021 09:06:21 +0000.

The article called for left-wing politics: PD political inbreeding was out of the air coming from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/chjamo-a-a-pulitica-di-manca-inguaia-pulitica-di-u-pd-era-fora-di-laria/ on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 04:46:00 +0000.