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Misanthropo refuses to be vaccinated to continue to avoid relatives

Lasmestè (CN) – « Boja fauss! They are just excuses to invent. The other day I told my daughters-in-law that they had not vaccinated me because they had injected all 500 available doses for the girl who had the turn before mine and I was left without it!

Mr. Alceste Pautasso does not hesitate to express his concern, a full-time and misanthropic retiree who for weeks has been busy elaborating the most astral explanations to justify to his family the fact that he has not yet been vaccinated, especially by Alceste himself was one of the first to be subjected to both doses but he absolutely wants to prevent his parents from learning about it: “ You can’t imagine the joy that the 2020 lockdown had given me and all the rules that she implied: distance, avoiding contacts, no kisses, hugs and handshakes. I was so good alone. For a Piedmontese it was practically heaven!

Pautasso spent several months on social media sponsoring No Vax's theories, always to avoid falling out with his parents: " They're not No Vax, they 're just a bunch of guys. different smart, Ed), however, was fine with something to boycott the vaccination campaign so I could stay with plausible reasons isolated from kids asking me for money or grandchildren who want to hold me while watching Masha and the bear on my TV when I want to see Lotto numbers in Teletext!

So, if in other parts of Italy, which we do not mention but which host the course of the river Sebeto , it is expected that people without even the first dose to embrace again relatives and relatives say they have already been vaccinated with many certificate signed by Zangrillo or Gismondo, Pautasso, who does not even try to go through a false education, continues to work on new justifications that will allow him to convince his family of how impossible it is every time to get the coveted Pfizer: " Tomorrow I will say that I was not able to vaccinate myself because at the hot spot they thought that the person in charge was still Arcuri and therefore they had not even opened the center because they knew that not a single dose would arrive, the next day tomorrow, however, I will say no they were not vaccinated because they did not believe they were already 40 years old ”.
But, sorry, how old are you?
" I've made a hundred, and there's a reason I came here ." Anyway don’t tell my nuggets otherwise they will come to celebrate me. And now out of the balls I have to watch fiction on Rai Premium with that beautiful daughter of Vanessa Incontrada!

Augusto Rasori

Misanthrope ’s article denies he was vaccinated to continue to prevent relatives coming from Lercius .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/misantropo-nega-di-essere-stato-vaccinato-per-continuare-a-evitare-i -parenti / u Wed, 19 May 2021 08:56:38 +0000.

The Misanthropo article refuses to be vaccinated to continue to prevent relatives coming from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/misanthropo-ricusa-di-esse-vaccinatu-per-cuntinua-a-evita-i-parenti/ on Thu, 20 May 2021 03:57:00 +0000.