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Morisi falls down the stairs and Salvini blames the cops

PADANIA – The Morisi affair, now known to all and which creates great confusion among those who do not vote and will never vote for Lega, is enriched by day-to-day details. In fact, if the trust of all the binders remains unchanged, now accustomed to being taken for a ride, the Net has been invaded by comments from social media users, many of whom have breathed a sigh of relief: “Those posts on on Instagram they were then just a hoax from a drug addict, now a lot of things are explained ” .

Asking to give the right weight "to the mistakes of a friend", are instead the pieces that a prohibitionist like Matteo Salvini tries to put. He was the one who invoked life imprisonment for trying to sell drugs, since no distinction between hard and sweet drugs is valid, but only, of course, between party cards. Now that it has been discovered that “The Beast” preached well but badly scratched, the leader of the League, who toned down zero tolerance with those seats and with whom he built his electoral consensus, instead of using the same tones, he begins to “reach out to a friend in trouble” who has “made a mistake and made an unexpected mistake” (that of being caught).
But not alone. Salvini seems to have gone even further and, recalling a famous story from the tragic epilogue, accused the police of bringing down his former social guru from the stairs.
In fact, after the August 14 blitz, during which police entered Morisi’s Verona home, the latter reported contusions, attributed to an accidental fall from the stairs. However, the League leader immediately took the ball, pointing to the agents responsible for these injuries. However, the testimony of the neighbors seems to refute this version: “Morisi immediately handed over the drugs, but when he realized that the agents also intended to search the room where the two Romanian males had slept, he left. immediately launched upstairs to get rid of the sign of that stay, repeating to himself “Drugged ok but even with two Romanians at home no eh,” this thing can’t come out “” . In short, Luca Morisi would have gone down the stairs for running too fast to get rid of what would have been a blow to him if he had revealed himself: to be a friend of the Romanians.

On the story of the Salvini Romanians he is silent, but in his entourage there are those who say that he is convinced that the two were here to steal drugs from Morisi, “drugs that the agents had put here the night before to frame it! ” Salvini said “adding ” and if this version doesn’t convince you… what should I tell you, I don’t know how to pull shit like before, I don’t have Luca Morisi to help me anymore ”

Sergio Marinelli

The Morisi article falls on the stairs and Salvini blames the police who come from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/morisi-cade-dalle-scale-e-salvini-da-la-colpa-ai-poliziotti / u Wed, 29 Sep 2021 08:56:37 +0000.

The article Morisi falls down the stairs and Salvini accuses the cops from coming from Ultimi Notizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/morisi-fala-in-i-scalini-e-salvini-accusa-i-flicchi/ on Fri, 01 Oct 2021 06:18:00 +0000.