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Politically correct, Robin Hood also censured: “He is a tax evader”

Here is the story of a plot set to exploit an imaginary plot

Disney (Copyright Violation Notice) – In the early 1920s, Italy discovered with great regret that the bassoon, the black, the disabled, and six women you couldn’t playing football were terms to avoid.

This global madness of political correctness had already hit some movie masterpieces, such as Gone with the Wind and Snow White , but to the great surprise of the United States a new bomb arrived. The 1973 animated film Robin Hood directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, which would encourage the clearance of crimes such as theft and tax evasion, is accused.

If only the plan worked. Obviously it was revenge, a plot slammed to exploit an even more imaginary plot. An English title would be enough to make false news, subsequently attributed to a trivial translation error, to make everything more viral.

To spread the false news that Robin Hood would have been censored as a “thief and tax evader”. The hoax would have bitten the awakened executioners , because "not paying taxes is unfair", but also the Italian liberals, according to whom evading taxes is an altruistic act against a carefree and corrupt state.

The right and the left would rise up against the drift of the correct politician: if Robin Hood had not even been saved, who would have protected the weakest? Opinions are different here. The right has suggested that in reality the poor deserve it and that an invisible hand takes care of the rest. The left, however, would have organized a beautiful conference on the theme Leopold "King John and Robin Hood, a friendship beyond the barricades." However, Renzi’s proposal to reconcile the widow of King John and Lady Marian of Locksley is embarrassing.
The main Italian newspapers, then, had been talking about this scandal for 3 days in a row. Everything was well thought out.

– Gramellini, from Corriere, would have titled: Steal from Robin to give to the poor in spirit!
– Cerasa, on the sheet: Culture is losing a thief, and now we are all poorer.
– Brambilla: Why do animals pay taxes?
– Felt: Robin Hood immolated at the altar of the gay and satanic lobby

What went wrong with the plan? And why hasn’t the news been shared?
It appears that the control room of this politically incorrect coup has been engaged in:
– hosted televisions, festivals, conferences and parliamentary debates
– transmission of TV and radio programs in prime time
– direction of daily, weekly and monthly journals
– writing television series in which it is discovered that women who claim to have been raped have done everything
– Get Aurora Leone off the table

In short, even though they were strictly straight white males, these poor victims whose mouths were closed by the cancel-culture did not have a minute to breathe. Not even delegating everything to their secretaries!
Is the danger escaping? For now, yes, but we'll see!

Andrea H. Sesta & Vittorio Lattanzi

The politically correct article , also censored Robin Hood: “He’s a tax evader comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/politicamente-corretto-censurato-anche-robin-hood-e-un-evasore-fiscale/ u Wed, 26 May 2021 09:24:13 +0000.

Politically correct article , Robin Hood also censured: “He is a tax evader” comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/puliticamenti-currettu-robin-hood-ha-ancu-censuratu-he-un-evasore-fiscale/ on Thu, 27 May 2021 19:00:00 +0000.