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Repubblica interviews Mario Draghi’s intercom exclusively

Città della Pieve (PG) – We have reported the full interview of our colleagues from the newspaper La Repubblica on the interface of the "cottage immersed in the tranquility of the Umbrian countryside" (source ANSA) where the prime minister in office he retired with Bill Gates, George Soros and Lino Banfi to compile a summary of the meetings of the last few days and form the new government.

Rep: Sorry, I hear a very sweet return sound, as if to indicate that the call to the intercom has been successful, a reassuring, almost celestial light comes on.
Cit: Yes?

Rep: It's me…
Cit: Ah, also those of the Corriere?

A: No, I am the giurnalistu Republic. But are you Mario Draghi's interface?
Cit: Yes.

Rep: It’s really an honorable pleasure! What does it feel like to be the external intercom of the main protagonist of current Italian political events?
Cit: It's a beautiful job all around, the area is peaceful, there are no kids around to make jokes and not even Jehovah's Witnesses. Now that I think about it, your La Stampa colleagues asked me the same thing, even then, when they saw the tree where Dragons is leaning when he takes a breath during his jogging sessions, they are rushed to interview the phone in his room .

Rep: Tell us something about your relationship with Mario Draghi.
Cit: Well, I can say, he is a normal phone owner, we have a formal but friendly relationship, every time he goes for a jog he goes out without keys and they are at his service, but for the rest of the day he uses the keys like all of you.

Rep: " Use the keys ", an answer worth a thousand words. Perhaps this is precisely one of his greatest qualities, such an extraordinary person who even manages to lead a normal life so as not to humiliate the Italians. But how many years have you been in the service of the former governor of the Bank of Italy?
Cit: For 14 years, 24 hours a day with only 2 days absence from work .

Rep: Do I get a blackout?
Cit: No, yes my daughter is married. But now that I think about it, there was once an electrical failure that lasted a couple of hours. How many laughs that day. He had come out with his arms Milton and John Maynard and had lost his keys, when he came back he had taken a cigarette break, so he tried to climb up and was blocked by those in the neighborhood control who did not recognize him and he was forced to spend the night with the dogs in the vault of the Bank of Italy. Milton had also eaten several banknotes worth about £ 13 billion.

Rep: Tell us one last anecdote of Dr. Draghi's extraordinary life.
Cit: I remember this time again with anguish, I had beaten Matteo, his trusted newspaper, because that morning I could only buy 6 newspapers out of 8 since the Dawn from Pakistan and the Third from Chile were not come on. it made me completely bloodied, it wasn’t as sweet as usual, it was tense, agitated – of course, it makes me sicker when it sounds like it’s still sweaty from jogging – but then, once calmed down, it was always back, a cold-blooded animal, and he came in person to clean me up and I didn’t think just to eliminate the evidence .

What can I say? A person who loves intercoms so much cannot fail to love even the Italian people.

Vittorio Lattanzi

The Republic article interviewed exclusively on Mario Draghi’s intercom comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/repubblica-intervista-in-esclusiva-il-citofono-di-mario-draghi/ u Thu, 11 Feb 2021 10:15:10 +0000.

The article Repubblica interviews Mario Draghi's intercom exclusively from Ultimi News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/repubblica-entrevista-lintercomunicatore-di-mario-draghi-in-esclusiva/ on Thu, 11 Feb 2021 16:53:19 +0000.