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Space tourism, the Italian abandons the first dog along the path between Earth and Mars

" He was definitely not my client ," Jeff Bezos said annoyed. " Not even mine!" “, Elon Musk responded. " Much less me!" Richard Branson replied .
In short, none of the three entrepreneurs who started the space tourism fashion are willing to admit that those who took pride in such an inhuman gesture were their customers.
Yes, because today – abandoned at mile 86 million on the Earth-Mars- Hubble space highway , a young beagle has been found. The dog appeared in good condition, as evidenced by the fact that at the time of the discovery he was playing with a pair of satellites.

The investigations to trace who had done this bad deed were long and complex, until it was decided to take a look at the medal that the dog wore around his neck and on which were indicated his name and name. address of its owner: Brescio Bergamin , an entrepreneur in the branch of asbestos profiles that is so in vogue for everyone, even relatives, that he could not find anyone to look after his dog. " What should I do?" I spent a fortune going to Mars to look for new clients. Do you know how much a Camogli costs in a Spaziogrill? 12,000 euros! I don’t even have any more money to pay for a dog guard! "I said as I stopped at the customs of the red planet.
Putrella , Bergamin's wife, also tried to defend her husband: " Brescio is a good person. Check out his Facebook profile. It’s full of pictures of dogs and hearts and places against migrants and communists!

Meanwhile, Hubble, before being entrusted to a family of aliens who show more humanity, has legitimately deposited shit on the Bergamin feline that we can define as not of this world.

Augusto Rasori

The article Space tourism, Italian leaves the first dog along the path between Earth and Mars comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/turismo-spaziale-italiano-abbandona-il-primo-cane-lungo-la-rotta-tra -la-terra-e-marte / u Thu, 15 Jul 2021 09:06:25 +0000.

The article Space Tourism, the Italian leaves the first dog along the path between Earth and Mars comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/turismu-spaziale-litalianu-abbanduneghja-u-primu-cane-longu-u-percorsu-tra-a-terra-e-marte/ on Tue, 20 Jul 2021 19:19:00 +0000.