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Being Roberto Napoletano (the power and rhetoric of urgency)

I'll add a quick note.

The victory (ephemeral? Fruitful? History will tell…) over the ESM teaches us that things must be built. The dangers of ratification were communicated to us in November 2018 by an alarmed official, and five years later we managed to avoid them. A path that is not instantaneous, from which we draw the lesson that things happen over time, must be managed over time, and must be accompanied to their outcome over time.

When this thing is brought up on social media, the guy invariably pops up who, declaring himself abstractly on our side, bursts into heartfelt accents "yes, that's fine, but in the meantime everyone is suffering, we don't have time to wait, MAKE IT HURRY!"

Here it is:

Does this remind you of anything?

Maximum respect for all people (including the author of the piece above) and for all positions. But to those who, pretending or believing they are on our side, press us with the rhetoric of urgency, I would reply with a polite but firm: we have already given!

And you?

(… those who suffer must be helped, that's why we are here. Monti brought the poor from one to four million, in the wake of the FATE SOON reported above. In those four million there must have been someone who voted PD: for resist the frustration of not being able to move things forward more quickly I think that ultimately there is a sense in the fact that the PD enjoys it even those who wanted it! The first thought and the first urgency is for those who the PD, that is, austerity, he is undergoing it without wanting it. But here too, not understanding that things happen over time, and adopting the rhetoric of urgency and exceptionality, which has always been that of power, is not a sign of particular lucidity and in some cases it is not a sign of particular good faith. I owed you so much… )

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2023/12/essere-roberto-napoletano-il-potere-e.html on Wed, 27 Dec 2023 11:52:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.