Vogon Today

Selected News from the Galaxy


Consider your seed …

Very quickly: the problem had arisen because someone had reported it to me and I had first brought it to the attention of my fellow senators with this small prayer, and then I had explained it to you in detail here . To the replacement of the colleague Zanda (which you can find here ) we had opposed another replacement, this one.

In the end, since there was a tough nut to crack on the other side, the result was this:

(as the dossier for the classroom reminds us, which you can find here ), that is the excerpt of the article, as I had requested in the consultative session as rapporteur of this opinion (here the report of the consultative ):

Obviously to most of you the fact that the government's attempt to twist the independent authority nomination procedure in your favor has been successfully rejected will appear for what it perhaps is: just a fescue in the gigantic tsunami of guano that every day it pours out on us. I can also agree, but with benaltrism you do not go anywhere, because in the end the main problem in the life of each of us is an unsolvable problem, it is that of death (the only certainty), but I do not think it would be it is a good life to stand still in the contemplation of this mystery, while the others do their own blessed business.

Even similar issues that might seem trifling to you, but are not, are done over time, are done through dialogue, are done by involving technicians (thank you without mentioning all those who helped me starting from those who reported the problem), and they have a didactic value: solving small problems teaches the method necessary to solve large problems. With all the human affection and sympathy I feel for the many keyboard rhodomontes and their telephone area code percentages, my main perplexity towards the vote and more generally the politics of martyrdom (in the sense of "testimony") is e what I have for those who advocate and practice it remains: narcissists who count for what they know (a blessed stone), firmly willing to continue to count and know how much they know (a blessed stone).

To grow you need method, comparison and a team.

Then you are free to believe in the many chickens roosters that ring from the top of the dunghill as before, massively, you believed in the 5 Stars ( Alberto only contradicts ). You are the architects of your own destiny, whether you like it or not. Freedom is participation, and politics is responsibility.

Of all.

Best wishes.

(… sure, they were sure …)

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2022/05/considerate-vostra-semenza.html on Mon, 30 May 2022 10:22:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.