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Ingengngnieri to the rescue

Luca left a new comment on your post " The euro dollar exchange ":

Of course, as a Senator of the Republic and University Professor, you have a dirty mouth and bad behavior, anyway: no, I'm not a journalist, I'm an electronic engineer, I've been working in the development of computer applications for over 30 years. I am currently working on a project for the British Ministry of Defense that involves all nations. Obviously it is difficult to deal with Russia and Ukraine, both claiming that certain territories are theirs alone, the same is true between China and Taiwan. I understand that the Lega was the only party to embrace your ideas on exiting the euro. Don't you feel fooled after all these years? The League hasn't talked about these things for years. Don't you think it would be time to update these theories and move on to something more concrete, such as, for example, we should block imports from those countries that do not share the same ideals of democracy as ours. For example, China cannot consider itself a democracy, but rather an authoritarian state governed by a dictatorship. The same goes for Russia. What sense does it make to finance these countries if they then use the money to arm themselves and invade the neighbor? See the cases Russia / Ukraine and China / Taiwan.

Posted by Luca in Goofynomics on Jul 15, 2022, 3:54 pm

(… a star is born! Here we have more fun than with awanagana , and after all the human type is that … )

Dear Luca,

with the engineers here we have entertained for a long time ( some examples ), fascinated by their singular behavior. In the end we understood their drama: that of being people who, since they have studied (with difficulty) things that seemed difficult to their girlfriend, feel entitled to put their mouths in any area of ​​human knowledge, assuming that they know how to perform difficult things (or rather , knowing how to make a machine perform them) implies understanding simple things. The most likely outcome of this paralogism is ridicule, of course. Sometimes it is good, some other less good: it depends on the time available. Today everything is still waiting for the results of the group leader, so we are definitely in the second case: I can devote myself to giving you a succinct explanation of why your words, so arrogant and so naive, are a collection of slight inaccuracies (all however widely gutted in this blog).

In the meantime, thank you for informing us that there are territorial claims between Russia and Ukraine. We didn't realize it and it's something that could probably come in handy.

I am sorry to have to thank you for this concern by pointing out that "my ideas" on the unsustainability of the single currency do not exist: the unsustainability of a single currency in a set of countries that is not and cannot become an optimal currency area is a fact widely established in the scientific literature , and those who have been here have known it for eleven years (and he has been here eleven years, which are what you should lurk for, because he learned it here). Coming to the case that interests you, that of the euro, those who signaled to us that it is irreversible ( as so many other things have been or seemed to be) did so to avoid making sure that it is sustainable. If it were, we would be the first to be delighted. But since it is not because it cannot be (economics is unfortunately a science) we are rather worried and would like that instead of taking refuge in magical thinking (as has happened, in more recent times, for vaccine therapies), a serious debate on how to make it so or on how to manage problems without the cost always falling on the usual suspects (us).

So, repeat to me: "There are no Bagnai theories: there is the theory of optimal currency areas."

Then take a breath, and repeat it for another hundred times.


Certainly not, because you are, in fact, an engineer (rectius: ingengngniere) and not a physicist. The physicist and the engineer have different approaches: we have described them here . Let's say that you don't lack the optimism of will … and let's say that we understand why the "computer applications" give us so much satisfaction every day: because behind there are people like you, who believe a lot but who literally don't know that earth holds it up.

Do you want proof?

I find your idea of ​​waging a trade war against countries that "do not have the same ideals of democracy as ours" very interesting.

Your ideal of democracy, in fact, is quite clear: "I know me and you are not fucking thirsty." I believe that to affirm this you will have to make war on the world (starting with your family) and I wish you all my best wishes. This thing should worry you more than what worries you so much, namely the fact that my party, which made me responsible for the national economy (then if you have time I'll explain what it means), would not listen to me, because in its current political communication insists on other issues. Thank you for informing me on how the party for which I am responsible for economics sets up communication on economic issues: it is a help that I sincerely appreciate, but for the second time I find myself forced to thank you by denying one of your statements (ofelè fa el to mesté, yes says in the cradle of the movement in which I honor myself as a soldier): that of unleashing a trade war against "countries that do not have democracy" (the one that you think there would be in Italy) is not a very good idea, for various reasons logical and practical.

In logical terms, I will limit myself to saying that one cannot be, as you are, a 24-karat pro-European, that is, support a project that derives its legitimacy from the idea that international trade is a factor of peace and progress regardless , except then when things go less well taking away the ball like a spiteful child on the oratory pitch. See, these words of yours fascinated me:

"Throwing fuel on the Union's fire with the excuse of making Italy more competitive is defeating the purpose of the founding fathers who created it to avoid a future European conflict that has also arrived. Now the countries of the Union can dealing with Putin with a single voice. Singularly I doubt they would have done anything. "

( here ).

I fly over the lexicon ("defeat the purpose"? "Add fuel to the Union's fire"?) And internal inconsistencies ("they created it to avoid a conflict that has arrived". Exactly! And so? …).

However, I cannot fail to point out the fallacy of your idea that there are "economies of scale" in politics, and I cannot help but be amazed at your total abstraction from the reality that surrounds you. Can countries deal with Putin with one voice? Ah, why are they doing this !? I hadn't noticed it . And is it good for something !? Nobody noticed . The trade war you are advocating is called, in this case, sanctions, and it is working but unfortunately mainly against us. What we need is peace, from which, as you yourself confess, unfortunately some of the current dynamics of the European project are moving us away, rather than bringing us closer.

I add a detail that escapes everyone: the "countries that have the resources" generally have all but one, democracy, for the simple reason that their particular condition has made them the object of the colonial appetites of European countries, appetites from which many have not yet managed to free themselves, and go so cheerfully from puppet government to puppet government (there is a long literature, we talked about it a lot here ), keeping at most some faint semblance of democracy (like: electing the President of the Republic himself for 42 years – and then you complain about our President!).

So if a transforming country like ours were to think of helping the democratic process in other countries by refusing to have relations with them, it would be good for it to hire several policemen, because the peace that it would not be able to impose abroad would immediately turn into war at home. proper when factories began to close.

And these are precisely the practical implications, which however do not affect you, because you are cool, you are indernescionàl, you don't have a factory or a shop.

So others fuck each other (which is the basis of your thinking).

What do you want me to tell you?

I am fond of readers, and I am sure we will become great friends. Despite your age, you have a freshness that I envy you: everything is easy, and you have understood it. The one thing you just don't understand (and you see you're sorry) is why others can't understand something so easy. I'll tell you: because it's difficult. But to see it you should open your eyes. Don't worry: you don't have to make any effort. Reality will open them to you, and at the same time it will teach you respect (the real one).

Then come back and visit us.

Ps: I tend not to bundle adversative conjunctions: "but rather" is pleonastic. Engineers love accuracy. Ingnengngnieri love themselves. The two loves are not necessarily compatible.

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2022/07/ingengngnieri-alla-riscossa.html on Tue, 19 Jul 2022 14:07:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.