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On the ESM, the PNRR, the Debate, and the ppdm

The world of social media is pervaded by an unexpected mourning! Dozens of his characters have disappeared suddenly, leaving a void that can be filled. A bloodless Saint Bartholomew, but no less shocking for this…

The lawyer Timballo, who with his refined legal analyzes had highlighted the unconstitutionality of the ESM in 2023, the economist Tribordi, who with his daring monetary theories had shown us a possible and practicable alternative to monetary union, the publicist Cadonetti, who had aroused our amazement by demonstrating to us in 2022 that Italy is a country with limited sovereignty (but above all where hairspray is still heavily sold), and so on, in short: all this belated intellectual dust whose Brownian motions delighted us, until the beam of light, the bull's-eye ( this , not this ) of actuality made them visible to us, exalting their iridescent inconsistency, this pleasant and colorful court of miracles, all of them, poof!, are disappeared, they returned to their nothingness, once the switch was flipped. Yes, talking about MES is anachronistic now , and I am sincerely glad to be able to move on, rather than wasting further time explaining the obvious for the benefit of those who know, without this affecting the decision-making sphere of those who do not want to or cannot know.

And so, the many saprophytes of the Debate, the many fagots who daily repropose you elsewhere, with the usual clickbait tones, what you know here since 2012, return to the shadows: they will have to invent some other argument to enter another cone of light, now that, without their contribution, the one created by the infamous stability mechanism has shut down.

Forever? Obviously not: of course he'll talk about it again! When and how it is not known, but we know one thing and I have always told you: time is on our side .

I am very pleased not to waste time explaining why and how that infamous treaty should not be ratified, I will be pleased to tell you, when I retire from political life, everything that I cannot tell you now, everything that happened in starting from that November 2018 in which we were warned that things were going badly, and we organized ourselves to create a line of resistance, first seeking support (ahinoi!) in those same orthoptera who then elected von der Leyen, then resisting from alone, and finally, now, in the best company, the company of an old blog friend who is not here .

What I want or have to write to you cannot be decided by the likeable Marattin : I have not been voted in this majority to approve a bill of that opposition, and that is all. So we'll do the overall explanation of what the infamous treatise is, taking Claudio's tweets and integrating them with links to sources and other considerations. We will take it as an exercise in style, but not as an exercise in news reporting, because, as you know, with rare exceptions, news likes to precede it, not follow it, and this blog, the Debate, was born with this imprint.

You saw it today: The Truth takes up the previous post , and does it correctly, that is, quoting the source.

Nihil est in media quod prius non fuerit in Goofynomics .

Then, it goes without saying, there are those like Gandola who have the honesty to acknowledge it, because they respect this blog that doesn't exist, perhaps because they have had the opportunity to see how many of its non-existent readers are , there are those who, on the other hand, have this honesty it doesn't have it, and it lives by parasitizing our contents (for example, by interviewing people whose existence it didn't know before we highlighted them). They are attitudes. There are journalists who have become stars living two days later on Claudio's tweets two days earlier, and that's okay. Unfortunately we, by agreeing to enter politics, have given up a lot of time and a little freedom of speech. However, let's see the positive side: even if every so often we would like to learn something from the newspapers, in the end the important thing is that "er popolo" receives, cloaked in the authority of "the newspaper", what we say here. And if citing the source is a welcome courtesy gesture, it is not always appropriate, because in some cases objective facts, if traced back to the person who is not writing to you, could seem partial or partisan. So in the end, understanding everything means forgiving everything: there are those like Gandola who have so much to say of their own, and when they say about others, they recognize it, and those who have nothing of their own to say, and act accordingly.

But this is not important. The important thing is that, as today's events demonstrate, what little freedom of speech we have maintained we know how to put it to good use. And the readers who aren't there know that to know what won't happen they have the newspapers, and to know what will happen they would have this blog (if there was one).

And then there are ppdm. Who I am? What does this acronym hide? You'll get there easily (but you don't need to show me in the comments) when I've described them to you. They are those little men who today are gnawing at rage because the country has not yet been humiliated. Yes, because only from the humiliation of the country could they have drawn the petty satisfaction of attributing to us that failure or worse still that betrayal of which they are raving all about, to absolve themselves of the shame of having been spat out of our mouths.

But they were mediocre, they were losers, they were ppdm. Here they could not stay: they were of no use. He's sorry he's sorry he can't say "you saw gnegnegné in the end they ratified gnegnegné". They've lost this battle, come up with something else.

To them, and to those of you who follow them, if only for the repulsive and to me incomprehensible desire to witness the spectacle of their miserable intellectual convulsions, goes all the human compassion of which I am capable. I warn you: it is small. In many years of meeting and sharing, I have seen so much real suffering that certain attitudes, I tell you, make me impatient.

But you do as you like.

The worst contempt is indifference, a friend of mine heard say on a remote suburban bus.

There are still reserves of unsuspected wisdom among the people.

Adjust yourself.

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2023/06/sul-mes-il-pnrr-il-dibattito-e-i-ppdm.html on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 19:46:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.