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Still slight inaccuracies

This morning's press review has reserved an absolute surprise for insiders:

Repubblica has announced that the premier wants to cut some useless microtaxes. Too bad that things are not exactly like that!

I would not want what I am about to say to sound critical of anyone, but my feeling is that in Palazzo Chigi there is something else to be interested in, and we are interested in something else, rather than these annoying taxes, of which I believe they were and are few who were aware of it, as I did not know anything about it before reading theChamber Act 2784 , first signed by my colleague Gusmeroli bearing "Provisions and delegation to the Government regarding the simplification and abolition of tax obligations for individuals and companies " , presented on November 16 last year. This does not mean that the premier does not want to cut them, but that most likely he will not have yet had the opportunity to reflect on an issue of this importance! In some way, by attributing to him a rather marginal proposal in huge letters in the overall context of the reform of the tax system we are talking about, it seems to me that the author of the piece diminishes, rather than enhances it, the figure of the premier, obtaining a result certainly contrary to his own. intentions. After all, a macroeconomist is justified absent from such a technical and detailed subject: after which, as far as I'm concerned, I'm in Parliament to study and study with the help of colleagues who know more than me.

The love of truth, however, requires me to specify that this is not a proposal made by the Government in June 2021, but a proposal made by the League in November 2020, when it was in opposition, and received today in a parliamentary document of which perhaps the Government will take into account tomorrow (in presenting, by 31 July, the enabling law on the tax reform).

Among other things, the fact that this proposal was taken up in a document of the Joint Finance Commissions (which are not a bicameral Commission), that is, in a parliamentary act (technically, in the final report of a fact-finding survey) does not mean that the Government has still made it its own, much less that it is its own thing (tautologically, parliamentary acts are acts of Parliament, not of the Government).

In this umpteenth "slight imprecision" I see a glass half full: the majority entry allows us, with humility and determination, to give substance to proposals that if we had remained in the opposition would have remained on paper. Of course, then there is the half-empty glass: how difficult it is to be informed in a precise way (seeing it from your point of view), or (considering it from our point of view) to be recognized by a media system that is still prejudicial to political work. what are we doing!

Moreover, if everyone is now against austerity (and those who have been here from the beginning know how much this statement [not] is true), in the end there is also that today everyone has proposed the abolition of microtaxes …

Or not?

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2021/06/ancora-lievi-imprecisioni.html on Mon, 28 Jun 2021 17:18:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.