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The big works do not exclude the small ones. Replication to a (not) ppdm.

Massimo Ciuffini left a new comment on your post " #sevedeva ":

Perhaps the part that most influenced me of the Sunset of the Euro. I happened to send it (without highlighting the source) to many left-wing people and environmentalists (my "family") and always receive approval and sharing on the goodness of the content. Unfortunately it is much easier to unite on the basis of the denial of the opposing faction's reasons than on a common action programme.

Paradoxically, today I would send it with the same attitude to people who identify with Salvini's infrastructure policies. Who knows what effect it would have?

Published by Massimo Ciuffini on Goofynomics on 3 Jun 2023, 10:12 am

Do you want to see the effect, Massimo? There he is:

I hasten to add that if Matteo has certainly read this page:

when Lorenzo let him find my book on the bedside table, almost as certainly his words today are not influenced by that page of a distant yesterday, but by common sense, that common sense which allows anyone to understand that the "climate" is become the last refuge of scoundrels who, after having devastated our environment through negligence , want to absolve themselves of their responsibilities, perhaps because they are looking for prestigious positions (but those who want nothing too string)!

As much as I want to feel important, I come to admit that I am sometimes useless (and to be honest I aspire to a more complete uselessness, as those who live next to me know: "if I am reborn I want to be useless" is a phrase that many have heard me say) !

And now let's talk about it.

You, Massimo, are not a PPDM: I know you, I've seen your face, I've talked to you, you're an intellectually honest person. You don't recognize yourself in a right-wing party as I didn't recognize myself in one, but this, here, has nothing to do with it, and it shouldn't have to do with it elsewhere either. I owe you some answers that I have not been able to give you because your themes are not mine, but this too has nothing to do with it.

What I would like to affectionately warn you against is your canine side: each of us has it, these are the so-called Pavlovian reflexes , where the reference to the dog is not intended in the least in an offensive sense, but in a historical sense: Pavlov chose an intelligent animal to study conditioned reflexes, perhaps because he sensed that the main weakness of intelligent creatures, but also their main strength, is the instinctual dimension, and how it influences our reaction to stimuli.

In other words, dear Massimo, if I understand the poison of the argument, in your grateful but bittersweet comment, the conditioned reflex Salvini = right = shit is hidden. This straight line (on which these three points lie among countless others in your political mind) naturally leads you to reasoning such as: "You see? We need great works, but Salvini, who is 'on the right', is only doing demagoguery to help the mafias and big companies, devastating the territory, while etc. etc.".

Well yes! Uniting on the denial of the opposing faction's reasons is easier, also because we often don't rely on Marx to do it, but on Pavlov!

For charity! I am the first to say, in my political seminars, that we should never deviate from the line on which the three dots lie EU = PD = cocoa mass! I am the first to say that (in the appropriate forums) we should be more , not less , ideological! This would allow us to radically deflate a lot of pointless internal debates and to give externally a sense of the direction we want to go, which is opposite to that of this spectacularly data-ignorant gentleman , ie it is 'less Europe'.

But what is true for the political practice of a party is perhaps not true for the intellectual elaboration we do here: here the Pavlovian reflex does not help us, in my opinion. Nowhere has it been said or thought of replacing the small works with a large one. The debate on the latter therefore cannot be placed in dialectic with the former, because it would not be intellectually honest, not even from the accounting point of view of the funding sources (which will be different).

In conclusion, dear Massimo: I've always loved you, but my favorite animal is still the cat! Pavlov would not have had satisfaction with him, and we should open a reflection on this. The dog protects the flock, the cat protects the food. He does it because he eats the mouse (which is perhaps the smartest of the three, but the least intelligent: however, this is only a hypothesis, and if there is an ethologist who can help us evaluate them we will be grateful). The conflict is in things: the first, supreme evidence of how mendacious the tacky European narrative is, in fact, is its irenic dimension.

Happy Sunday and good crossing. We don't see the shore, but it's there!

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2023/06/le-grandi-opere-non-escludono-le.html on Sun, 11 Jun 2023 08:12:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.