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Three questions about Coronabonds

(… by Charlie Brown, who is not me, because he is not me, as I have already explained to you before, even if I believe that you have not understood it, because you are neither him nor me. He is a smart boy , which unbeknownst to you is behind some recent vicissitudes that have fascinated you so much. Here it explains very slowly the contradictions of any debt mutualization project of any kind, seen from a German perspective, which we respect, not only because we are human, but also because the perspective of the strongest can only be taken into consideration by any political process that wants to achieve some results …)

Three questions for those who "Mom, the Germans don't give us Corona-bonds!" .

1) Can Germany really take charge of guaranteeing the enormous expenditure necessary to get Italy back on its feet? Is it really strong enough financially to take on this source commitment to the markets, despite its disastrous credit system and its unbalanced pension system?

2) Can the German business model, based on the outflow of European savings abroad (via a mainly German export), bear a redirection of that savings towards domestic spending in peripheral countries?

3) Can Germany afford to mortgage future German taxes for uses other than supporting the key automotive industry , which will be devastated by a systemic crisis that will drastically reduce long-term consumption for many years?

(… here: do you see how useful it is to put yourself from the point of view of the enemy? Politics is for this, Goofynomics is for this. You appreciate the privilege of being here …)
(… ah, by the way: how would you respond? …)

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2020/04/tre-domande-sui-coronabond.html on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 17:34:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.