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We are reforming the rules. Did you know?

(… tomorrow we have in Commission XIV the formalization of COM(2022) 583, theCommunication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regionson guidelines for a reform of the EU economic governance framework – I suggest the pdf in English here A trifle: essentially a reform of the most intrusive part of the Maastricht Treaty, the fiscal rules, done without reforming the Treaty – because it says it would take too long – with the usual logic of FATE PRESTO! and with the usual European verbiage, which makes it so unpleasant to approach certain texts. After all, every legislator has its own peculiarities. The texts of the Italian legislator are illegible due to the excess of cross-references – "in paragraph 6 of article 5-quindecies of Legislative Decree 4 April two thousand credits approved with amendments by the law on the fourteenth of October etc. the word whatever is replaced by the word quantunquemente" – while those of the European legislator are more self-contained, but perhaps made even more illegible from the excess of clichés and slogans. In my opinion, the text is not very reassuring. I have many things to say, but first I would ask you to take a look and see if everything convinces you. This is the outline of the procedure in the Chamber, you can find this dossier for it, which interprets and contextualizes the proposal, I will put it in place tomorrow and then we will have to talk about it, here, since nobody else talks about it elsewhere, and it seems to me that few have read, even among the insiders. I'd be really curious if, given a look at the text, you tried to tell it in your own words. If you were the speakers, if you had to explain to someone what is written, how would you do it? Attention, we are in a moment like others we have experienced in this blog which, I remind you, was born on the same day in which four of the five six-pack regulations were approved. The rules have seen us born, the rules have accompanied us, the rules continue to follow us, or pursue us, or persecute us. Now I'm going to rest because tomorrow morning we start early. You take a look …)

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2023/02/stiamo-riformando-le-regole-lo-sapevate.html on Sun, 19 Feb 2023 19:26:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.