Vogon Today

Selected News from the Galaxy


Words from the heart

As I have often told you, and you yourselves have often remarked, local broadcasters, not crushed by the vulgar gladiatorial logic of the noble national broadcasters, offer those who know how to take advantage of them the time to study:

(… today – that is yesterday – editorial meeting for the #midtermgoofy. We have put together a program that you will like. We will talk about stability and its mechanisms, the ghost of convergence, the pact for growth, the story of anti-Europe , and many other things. Mark the date: April 15th in Rome …)

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2023/01/parole-dal-cuore.html on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 23:01:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.