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Air of split in the Democratic Party?

Air of split in the Democratic Party?

What is happening in the Pd. Damato's Scratches

Among the accidents that happened to Enrico Letta, well beyond his mistakes or demerits, there is the diabolical coincidence between the Christmas holidays and the central path, I would say, of the congress he conceived, at least originally, for the re-foundation of a Pd only a teenager, carrying only a little over 15 years on his shoulders. Refoundation or rebirth, if you prefer to keep up with our days, and with the beautiful reinterpretation of Christmas that has just paired Pope Francis and Massimo Recalcati.

But more than Pope Francis and Massimo Recalcati, poor Letta – “the other Enrico”, as he himself occasionally says, imagining himself the successor of the legendary Berlinguer, secretary of a PCI destined after so many years to merge with a high name in the Democratic Party – is to metaphorically resemble Luca Cupiello. Yes, precisely the protagonist of the most famous work by Eduardo De Filippo, who on the bed where his life is wasting away despairs over the crib that his wife Concetta and son Nennillo do not like. But in the end he gives peace all the same and falls asleep forever among the angels.

Enrico Letta, for heaven's sake, has neither the age nor the aches and pains of Luca Cupiello and will survive the crib which, willy-nilly, he set up with the figures of his Pd, starting with those who have already applied to succeed him at the secretariat of a party that could even be called in another way. And take on such different, even “constituent” connotations that other pieces are lost for the same reason. Which could be much more substantial than those in the recovery phase precisely with the type of congress he triggered with the announcement of his irrevocable resignation.

I am referring, of course, to the friends – as Enrico Letta will perhaps prefer to call them, rather than comrades – who fled at the time of the secretary Matteo Renzi to improvise in the retinue of Massimo D'Alema, Per Luigi Bersani and Roberto Speranza a small party not exactly rewarded in a big way by the voters, even if inspired even in the name by article 1 of the Constitution approved at the end of 1947. It is what defines Italy as "a democratic republic founded on work", even for those who do not have it and are not even really looking for it preferring the substitute proudly created in 2018 by the first government of Giuseppe Conte, and attributes "sovereignty to the people, who exercise it in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution".

More those who self-appointed "Article 1", including until a few days ago the former MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri, of whom I will say no more as a good guarantor pending the conclusion of the judicial case known as Qatargate, already feel they have returned home in Pd, or whatever the hell it will end up being called, plus personalities such as Pierluigi Castagnetti, Giuseppe Fioroni, Arturo Parisi and Luigi Zanda, in strictly alphabetical order, united by a Christian Democrat origin, feel I don't say outside but at least uncomfortable.

Zanda, for example, former spokesman for Francesco Cossiga at the Viminale, leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate and treasurer of the Nazarene, prudently and publicly resigned from the committee of eighty and more deserving created, along the congressional path, to rewrite the charter of values ​​and similar to the Democratic Party, obviously no longer valid is the one written in 2007 by four hands, according to the reconstruction of Castagnetti, by Piero Scoppola on behalf of the post-Christian Democrat component and by Alfredo Reichlin on behalf of the post-communist component of the political formation destined to be led first by Walter Veltroni.

Accused of planning a split in the Democratic Party due to a recent controversial interview with La Stampa , and subsequent to other newspapers, and for a speech at a convention of ex-popular, as the Christian Democrats wanted to be called for a while after the filing of the crusader shield over the years of Tangentopoli and the end of the so-called First Republic, Castagnetti defended himself with a warning, in my opinion, worse than a personal refusal to remain in a party that should change its characteristics. He has practically warned that, however much personal patience he may continue to have remaining, if only – I think – to remove the suspicion already aired by someone, due to his friendships and acquaintances with Sergio Mattarella, which reflects his opinion on this issue too; he warned, I repeat, that it will be the voters of Christian Democrat origin and of convinced Catholic faith who will stop voting for the Democratic Party, or whatever those who no longer recognize themselves even in its too Americanized and liberal name want to call it.

On the other hand, among the various grievances expressed against the outgoing leaders of the Nazarene party, Castagnetti himself also included the question whether it were not the case to ask whether and for what reasons some of the millions of votes lost in the Democratic Party in recent years , especially after the much energy wasted in favor of Giuseppe Conte as a "point of reference for the progressives", have gone not to swell the now majority party of abstentions, nor to make up for the losses of the grillini led by the former prime minister, but more simply and concretely to make the star of the proudly Christian Giorgia Meloni rise in the political firmament.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/pd-scissione/ on Tue, 27 Dec 2022 06:18:48 +0000.