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All stops from Tajani to Schlein, Renzi and Putin

All stops from Tajani to Schlein, Renzi and Putin

What does Antonio Tajani, appointed president of Forza Italia, think about Schlein's Pd, Renzi and Putin's war on Ukraine? Paola Sacchi's note

Antonio Tajani, towards the presidency of FI (the presidential committee will convene the national council for the appointment on Thursday, pending the congress in 2024) relaunches the Azzurri in the center. “Not only of the center-right, but of all politics,” he underlines. It is the strategy that he had already announced in recent weeks, the same one that had seen MEP Caterina Chinnici, elected with the Pd, enter FI, in the EPP, and which is now accelerating in the face of the "radicalization of the Pd".

Interviewed by Nicola Porro, on Rete4, in the Fourth Republic , the coordinator-vice president of FI, deputy prime minister and foreign minister, it is clear: "The Democratic Party today is led by Elly Schlein who is moving it far to the left with an old anti-American language ”. In the crosshairs of the future blue president, the embrace in the square of the dem leader with the pentastellato boss, Giuseppe Conte .

Tajani immediately puts a stop to Matteo Renzi, saying that now instead many are opening for FI. He explains: “Attendance to these demonstrations only increases consensus for Forza Italia and the centre-right. I heard old communist language, outdated. I've heard of war against the United States, with old Third World slogans. We thank them because in this way they leave large spaces in the center for us". He concludes: “The Democratic Party was led by a former Christian Democrat. Now there is a lady moving it to the left. Spaces open up for us”.

On foreign policy, clear words about Putin: “Let the autocrat come to his senses. We knew another Putin, the one from Pratica di Mare who shook hands with Bush jr”. Outright in his condemnation of the aggression against Ukraine, he underlines the need to arrive at a just peace for Ukraine, with "Russia withdrawing to where it was". Which he says he spoke about with the undersecretary of state, Anthony Blinken, during his visit to the US last week. Also on with the continuation of the justice reform with the next step "of the separation of careers". Forza Italia starts again, with the ambition of being "the center of politics", "not only of the centre-right", but "loyal to the government" of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/antonio-tajani-schlein-renzi/ on Tue, 20 Jun 2023 05:17:56 +0000.