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All the 5-star sparks between Conte and Di Maio

All the 5-star sparks between Conte and Di Maio

Here is what happens between the former prime minister and the foreign minister. Federico Guiglia's notebook

The showdown between the parties has begun, but it is not the same for everyone. If among those who claim the victory of June 12, the controversy focuses on who will have to lead the alliance in the center-right in view of the 2023 policies or, in the case of the center-left, with whom to widen the "wide field", among the losers of the M5S we are not to the aftershocks, but to the actual earthquake. Which could lead to the split between the government wing embodied by the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio , and the one more prone to the intransigence of the origins interpreted by the leader Giuseppe Conte .

And on Tuesday the House will vote on the information given by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi , regarding Ukraine: what will the pentastellates do on the question, for many of them indigestible, of sending weapons to the attacked nation, so that it can defend itself? It was Di Maio who opened the clash for an administrative result that made the political role of the still main party in Parliament marginal.

Which disputes Conte's strategy across the board. "We cannot stay in government and, to imitate Salvini, attack him every other day," he warns. Then he talks about the worst result achieved so far by the M5S and defines Conte, without even deigning a mention by name, "ambiguous" in foreign policy and "self-referential". “I fear that this political force risks becoming a political force of hatred”, his very harsh conclusion. Conte retorts by specifying that he does not take lessons of internal democracy from Di Maio ("when the leader was him as an organism there was only the political leader"), and brandishing the accusation of being anti-Atlanticist as stupid and the comparison as offensive with Salvini .

At stake is also the rule of the limit of two terms for the elected five stars, "which must remain", makes it clear Beppe Grillo . The founder descends into the dispute and, apparently, acts as a bank for Conte. In the face of the unprecedented duel in terms of tone and content, the competition already begun between Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini for the leadership of the center-right takes a back seat.

As well as the torment of the Democratic Party on the choice of future alliances: with the collapsed and divided pentastellates or with the reformists of Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi ? However, they veto the M5S and cultivate an autonomous third-party position. But the scenario risks being upset by the "star conflict".

(Published in The Arena of Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza and Bresciaoggi)


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/tutte-le-scintille-a-5-stelle-fra-conte-e-di-maio/ on Mon, 20 Jun 2022 06:51:16 +0000.