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All the ambiguities of the Third Pole (which in fact goes to pulp)

All the ambiguities of the Third Pole (which in fact goes to pulp)

The Palazzo games, in which Renzi then paired with Calenda is very skilled, are not the popular verdict and in the end they risk wearing down even those who play them. Paola Sacchi's Note

Third Pole, game over. The law of retaliation falls on Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda. Even if the latter wasn't there yet, it was Renzi who ruled that "game over" for Silvio Berlusconi, in the days of Cav's forfeiture as senator. And now, as if by a nemesis, in the wake of growing tensions in a Third Pole, only in name, which has never actually taken off, while it is a media commonplace to decree the political end of Forza Italia, the facts say that in reality the world is waning. union between Renziana IV and Azione di Calenda.

In reality, after the meager numbers of Friuli , preceded by the failures of Lombardy, Lazio and the September Policies – when the Third Pole missed the goal of not winning the center-right with the return of Draghi – it is the sunset of the long dream of empty Forza Italia, occupying the centrist space, perhaps with a return to proportional representation. An attempt by Renzi born with the pact of the Nazarene, which Berlusconi screwed up for this very reason. An attempt that also continued with the constitutional referendum, in which Berlusconi took the battle of the No from the opposition, becoming the tip of the balance that brought Renzia's defeat to over 60 percent. "Renzi does not take my votes," promised the Cav to his followers. And so one blue voter out of three or four remained to vote Yes.

The long duel between the two, albeit with always very tactical meeting points, continued. He tried to rekindle the Calenda "fight" which even decreed the political "disappearance" of Cav before the Lombardy and Lazio Regionals. But FI has always held its own in the last electoral rounds, it has more than doubled the Third Pole, even going over it three times, as in Friuli. Now fate, cynical and cheating for the "terzopolisti", willed that precisely in the days of Berlusconi's hospitalization , while the Cav is recovering and FI grows a bit in the polls, both the Third Pole breaks down, of which the magnificent and progressive fortunes had been decanted by the newspapers for months.

But mathematics is not an opinion and the Palazzo games, in which Renzi is then very skilled in tandem with Calenda, are not the popular verdict and in the end risk wearing down even those who play them. Proponents of guaranteeism, of liberal socialism with Calenda, the senators of IV pronounced themselves with Pd, radical left and Five Stars in favor of the Open Arms trial to Matteo Salvini.

There are many ambiguities never resolved by the "terzopolisti" who on crucial issues such as uncontrolled immigration and de facto guarantees have never definitively closed a certain contiguity with the policies of the left and with alliances with it. As also clearly emerged last August 15 from the agreement made and unmade by the leader of Action with Enrico Letta's Pd. The "terzopolisti" are certainly in favor of Rome's waste-to-energy plant and nuclear power, much more liberal in economics than the Democratic Party, all the more so than Elly Schlein's more radicalized one on the left. Meritorious visits to the tomb of Bettino Craxi in Hammamet also by Renziana Iv, unlike the Democratic Party which has never sent an official delegation, except for visits only in a personal capacity by individual exponents. But this was not enough to make the "terzopolisti" appear to the electorate as a true centrist alternative to Forza Italia. Which with its distinctly anti-communist, anti-executionist principles, without ifs and buts, continues to be the only real center in a bipolar system. What, as Berlusconi said, "can only ally with the right".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/terzo-polo-forza-italia/ on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 05:36:36 +0000.