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All the cuddles to Meloni, Letta and Melettoni

All the cuddles to Meloni, Letta and Melettoni

Melettoni: what is written and what is hoped for in the big newspapers. Paola Sacchi's note

Once upon a time there were the "Dalemoni", are there now the "Melettoni"? From the famous synthesis made by Giampaolo Pansa between the name of Massimo D'Alema and Silvio Berlusconi to today's one between Giorgia Meloni and Enrico Letta?

For weeks, with particular emphasis in recent days, the pressing invitation to the two leaders of the Brothers of Italy and the Democratic Party, the parties given the lead in the polls, or to run alone, from fronts opposites, abandoning their respective center-right and center-left alliances, of which what remains will have to follow them if it wants, or even to join the government in the emergency phase that will not be exhausted for the 2023 policies. Atlanticism, the only point on which Meloni and Letta converge.

The other is the objective difficulty that the two leaders have in their respective camps in affirming leadership: Meloni, in opposition, over Berlusconi-Salvini, or the center-right of the government; Read on Conte, the pentastellato leader who is forced to chase in order not to restrict his "wide field". For the rest, there would be, according to the mainstream narrative, a sort of grouping held together by "pro-Putinism", "populism", "anti-Europeanism" and all the worst things that polititically correct could point to as a threat.

But something, indeed much more than something, does not add up. Letta and Meloni, for example, have the same position on seaside resorts, on taxes, the same on Europe, even if it must be said that the president of FdI is not anti-European, but thinks of a "confederation" of nations which, however, does not is it the same UE as Letta? And would Matteo Salvini be like Giuseppe Conte? Despite having made a government with the Five Stars, does the leader of the League have the same position as the grillini on the policy of the environment, of growth and development, and of the great strategic emergency issue that is now energy? Apart from the fact that the League pulled the plug from the so-called yellow-green government on the Tav, on energy it raises issues such as waste-to-energy plants and clean nuclear power which are the opposite of environmental values, of the "no to everything", pentastellati. But Salvini is always compared to Conte for the "pro-Putinism", shirt on the Red Square and so on. In reality, despite having always raised the issue of a negotiation for peace, whether it is shared or not, unlike Conte, he has never sent the Draghi government into a frenzy asking for a new vote on the dispatch of weapons.

As for Berlusconi, represented on some front pages with a fur hat and fur coats, alongside Putin, at the time of their political and personal friendship, it is really a bit difficult not to consider him a pro-European, given that he leads Forza Italia, the largest Italian party of the EPP and his number two, Antonio Tajani, is former president of the European Parliament, former vice president of the EU Commission, commissioner and now EPP vice president in Strasbourg. It is difficult to paint Berlusconi even as non-Atlantic (remember his speech to the US Congress, his visit as premier, one of the first he made, to the military cemetery of Neptune) only because after having condemned Putin he emphasized after three months of war on the need to start negotiations, it being understood that the attacked country – Ukraine – will have the last word. Salvini himself spoke of a clear distinction between the attacked country and the aggressor, before the t-shirts took over in the media narrative. But Salvini is also the leader who perhaps gave us the most consensus in the center-right, accepting that government responsibility for which the Head of State had more than a year ago appealed to all political forces for the formation of the Draghi government of national emergency in the face of the pandemic. Which sent the Democratic Party into a tailspin.

And finally, Forza Italia and the Lega, who will vote five yeses in the referendums, the so-called "pro-Persian" of this alleged indistinct group, would think of you as the five star leader and former prime minister on justice? The attempt on the media level is evident, while at the same time a new sentence is being asked by the Administrations for Berlusconi, to definitively disrupt the center-right. Shaken by an internal struggle for leadership, but so far in his tiring first summit after the split on the Mattarella bis he has found himself united on the no to the return to the proportional. Precisely that reform of the electoral law that the Democratic Party would, however, badly need to free itself from the pentastellate grip. But can a country make its destinies depend on the political ones of a single party, considered the pivot of the system, even if it hasn't won the elections for some time?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/letta-meloni-alleanza/ on Thu, 26 May 2022 05:37:13 +0000.