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All the fibrillation in the center right

All the fibrillation in the center right

What is happening not only in Italy but also in Strasbourg between the Brothers of Italy, Lega and Forza Italia. Paola Sacchi's note

Silvio Berlusconi relaunches the role of Forza Italia, the first Italian party of the EPP, as the center of gravity of the future center-right government, in the event of a victory by the coalition. Even after the vote of the European Parliament condemning Viktor Orban, because Hungary "is no longer a democracy" – the League's abstention in the Identity and Democracy group and FdI divided between abstentions and against in the Conservatives and Reformists group – the former Prime Minister in an interview with Tg3 reiterates: "Our presence is an absolute guarantee that the government will be liberal, Christian, pro-European and Atlanticist".

Berlusconi turns to FdI and Lega: "If our allies, whom I trust and respect, were to leave for different directions than the EU, we would not be in the government".

But it would be a stretch to speak of a split in the center-right, which has not yet belonged to different groups in Europe. The coalition is preparing for the unitary demonstration on 22 September, in Piazza del Popolo in Rome, with the three leaders on the stage alongside those of the centrist formations (in the Noi Moderati list) by Maurizio Lupi (Noi con l'Italia), Luigi Brugnaro ( Courage Italy) and Giovanni Toti (Italy in the center). The posters for the conclusion of the electoral campaign are already ready. It was from 2019, in Piazza S. Giovanni, that Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Berlusconi no longer went on stage together.

On the dear bill emergency Salvini takes stock of the need to intervene "now", for an intervention of 30 billion against the risk of "a massacre of jobs this time", which would cost much more; Meloni reaffirms its no to the budget gap, the “last resort”, and insists on the decoupling of gas and electricity costs; Antonio Tajani, coordinator of FI, relaunches the fund for energy producing companies to stop the rise in bills. Tajani also talks about the European Recovery on which the allies agree.

Of the speech of Ursula von der Leyen, the senator of FI, Stefania Craxi, president of the Foreign Affairs Commission, appreciates the passage on the revision of the Treaties, however "too often announced", for "a Europe of solidarity, of growth that overcomes the obtuse rigorism ".

The distinctions between Salvini and Meloni are less intense. And on the energy emergency also the opposing front with Enrico Letta and ally Luigi Di Maio, as well as the pentastellated leader Giuseppe Conte now have more pressing tones. The secretary of the Democratic Party, who proposes a decoupling of costs and the doubling of tax credits, calls for a "change of pace". And the leader of the League, faced with the "national emergency", warns the government that, given the timing of the new one, "it is not possible to wait two months". Today council of ministers for a decree Aid ter.

Meanwhile, still serious episodes in the electoral campaign. New threats to the president of FdI with the discovery of the 5-pointed star of the new Br. To Meloni the solidarity of the allies of the center-right, from the Pd with Enrico Borghi and from Carlo Calenda, "third pole". Licia Ronzulli, vice president of the senators of FI and the deputy secretary of the Lega Andrea Crippa warn against the tones coming from the left towards the opponents. Meloni: “I don't let anything scare me”. And on 194 the president of FdI to the controversy of the Democratic Party replies that she does not want to change the law but wants to apply it in full, in defense of the right to free choice of women over abortion, also supporting those who "for economic reasons" are forced to resort to it .

The leader of the Democratic Party criticizes her: “Being a woman is not enough to make women's politics”. Meloni replies with a tweet: “Enrico, after you have tried to explain to me how to do the right, now do you want to try to explain to me what it means to be a woman? But do you have a sense of ridicule ??? ". Meanwhile, the League is preparing for Pontida, its historic event to be held on Sunday 18 September, after three years of suspension for Covid. More than 200 buses expected. Expected, writes the agency Agi , the presence of Umberto Bossi.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/berlusconi-governo-centrodestra/ on Fri, 16 Sep 2022 05:42:20 +0000.