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All the latest dreams of the Fatto Quotidiano on Conte

All the latest dreams of the Fatto Quotidiano on Conte

Like Fatto Quotidiano, Foglio and not only see the crisis of the Conte government

The Count of Palazzo Chigi that Mario Makkox Dambrosio in the cover vignette of the Sheet proposes to us with the thrills in search of his spokesperson is instead proposed to the readers of Repubblica as a man finally willing to yield to Matteo Renzi on the overturning of the use plan of the European funds for recovery and the renunciation of direct management, without delegation, of the secret services. And even ready, if not already committed, to deal with the hated ministerial reshuffle, which could lead Renzi – according to some rumors – to the Farnesina, in place of the Luigi Di Maio grillino moved to the Interior, in place of the "technical" Luciana Lamorgese.


Almost in tune with these rumors, as if to credit them, Di Maio came out of a certain hermeticism of recent times, which had worried Conte, to define the removal of the current Prime Minister attributed to Renzi's plan as a "madness". Who, for his part, in an interview with Corriere della Sera practically told Di Maio that much more concretely he could support and defend Conte's place by removing the grillini's veto on the use of the European credit of 36 billion euros available for the strengthening of the national health service. The weaknesses of which are also confirmed in these days by the expected difficulties of the anti-Covid vaccination campaign.


That the crisis is coming on a favorable track more for Renzi than for Conte, long praised for the decision with which in the summer of 2019 he got rid of the "grim" Northern League ally Matteo Salvini, it is clear on the sheet , as well as from shivers of the Makkox cartoon, from the comments of the director Claudio Cerasa and the founder Giuliano Ferrara. The first called for "more Renzismo, less Grillismo". The other, the red elephant who watches over his newspaper, was a little pleased with Renzi's "ferocity of the bites", which he appreciated even before the famous pact of the Nazarene with that kind of putative political father who could be considered Silvio Berlusconi, "our love" of leafy. It was precisely Ferrara who coined the formula or image of the "Royal baby" for Renzi and publicly complained of the Cavaliere's opposition to the referendum confirmation of the Renzian constitutional reform: opposition that took over from the failure to agree on Giuliano Amato's candidacy for the Quirinale in 2015, when Renzi preferred Sergio Mattarella.


My friend Giuliano has gone so far, with the habit he has of throwing his heart over the obstacle, to imagine a Renzi underneath also determined to really provoke the early elections which he instead excludes in words, because he could finally emerge strengthened for the attrition, to say the least, to which the Democratic Party would be destined if it really went to the polls allied with the grillini, a possible list of Conte and the left of the "free and equal".


Marco Travaglio instead continues to dream on the Fatto Quotidiano both a Count who, without resigning after the possible resignation of the two grilline ministers, presents himself to the Senate and gains trust with the help of the so-called "responsible" refugees from the center-right or former grillini, and a Count who definitely puts himself at the head of the pentastellati and wins the elections, or in any case defeats a Pd now “in the hands of Renzi and in disarray”, as Achille Occhetto said in an interview right at Fact. Where, however, there is still someone who counts on the "Pd bridges" willing to "make the senator of Scandicci think".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-gli-ultimi-sogni-del-fatto-quotidiano-su-conte/ on Mon, 04 Jan 2021 07:00:09 +0000.