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All the news in Covid treatments between tachipirina and monoclonals

All the news in Covid treatments between tachipirina and monoclonals

The intervention of Stefano Biasioli, endocrinologist and nephrologist

So who was right?
While not virologists / microbiologists / hygienists, we had said so.
Modestly, it is from the beginning of the pandemic that the undersigned and my friend Renzo Schiavon (authors of a recent book on Senescence and Anti-aging Medicine) had said it. COVID-19 pathology is characterized by generalized multi-organ + vessel inflammation.
For at least 15 months we have said and written that the approach of the Ministry of Health and the CTS "observation and tachypirin" was wrong, from a conceptual and practical point of view. Because? Because tachipirina has a low anti-inflammatory activity and does not reduce the production of interleukins.
Despite a media campaign (evidently orchestrated in the ministry and its surroundings) which for many months rejected the position of those who were against tachypirine as a denier, now – little by little – the truth emerges.
Our beliefs are today supported by some scientific works, which we list:
  1. Pandolfi S and Ricevuti G., in the J. of Medical Virology have shown that paracetamol is harmful because it reduces the body's glutathione, one of the main natural antioxidants. Reducing glutathione means compromising the natural defenses (antioxidants) against the virus, or favoring its propagation.
  2. Sestili P. and Fimognari C. had also reached the same conclusions: tachipirina drastically lowers glutathione;
  3. Remuzzi G. and Suter F. (April 2021) had already scientifically demonstrated that the use of NSAIDs and aspirin reduced hospitalization by 90%, compared to subjects treated with tachipirina.

Well, despite these studies, only on April 26, 2021 the ministerial guidelines included – in the treatments – also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), without however removing the tachipirina!

Lastly, we remember the drug ANAKINRA (so far used against rheumatoid arthritis) cleared by Remuzzi as anti-COVID (55% reduction in mortality in hospitalized patients) but attacked with a series of TV dramas against Remuzzi and against those who proposed it as a drug active against COVID. So much so.
On Tuesday evening, AIFA finally released astatement stating that, soon, ANAKIRNA + two immunomodulating agents (Baricinitib and Sarilumab) can also be used against COVID.
And what about the monoclonals, used for Trump and for Monsignor Gristina?
A few days ago the WHO codified that they work: there are at least five monoclonals with difficult names and a couple of antivirals. One of these (produced by Lilly) was offered by the company – about a year ago – as a free supply to Italy, without being accepted.
Someone in Italy will one day have to account for these "unjustified" choices. Today, even if the media campaign continues to send different signals, there are appropriate treatments. Now we expect the ministry to allow the use of all these drugs, in an adequate and timely manner, in new symptomatic patients. But, so far, how many deaths have occurred, at home, "thanks to tachipirina and to those who have long supported it"?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/covid-19-tachipirina-monoclonali/ on Sun, 03 Oct 2021 07:11:52 +0000.