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All the problems that the Meloni government will have

All the problems that the Meloni government will have

The meaning of the vote, the victory of the center-right and the challenges of the next Meloni government. Galbusera's notebook

Beyond the sides, both the consistency as an opposition force of the Brothers of Italy, which took a particular advantage from the female leadership of Giorgia Meloni, and the clarity and determination with which Giuseppe Conte headed the defense were rewarded. citizenship income, which has now become a symbol of unconditional assistance.

The Democratic Party has found nothing better than to argue with "Blairism", denounce an alleged fascist danger and complain about the negative aspects of Renzi's Jobs Act without even being able to explain what they were.

If the third pole does not reach the hoped for 10%, however, it collects a consensus sufficient to allow it to try to take root on a reformist and liberal democratic political basis.

Widely awaited, albeit for different reasons, the downsizing of the League (due to the strategic weakness and improvisations of its "captain") and Forza Italia, which survives for the personal image of its founder but pays for the continuous change of its management groups.

In any case, the margins of the future executive will not be very large, both due to the constraints of our enormous and growing ratio between debt and gross domestic product, and due to the onset of recession in Europe and perhaps also in the USA. Discussing a redefinition of the PNRR will not be impossible but will have to be done in terms of reasonableness. Since mala tempora currunt , the interest of the unborn government should be to involve the opposition in making the most important decisions, without necessarily configuring an "executive of solidarity and national emergency".

Since the issue of "governability" is still unresolved, the political forces should devote a lot of energy to rebuilding the Italian political system on a basically bipolar basis: on the one hand the conservative or moderate liberal democratic forces, if you prefer, and on the other an alignment , clearly reformist with Labor traction, Liberal Socialist and Social Democratic.

These alignments, which could become the new parties, will have to respect and recognize each other in a logic of alternation decided by the voters. It is natural that this will impose a reshuffling of the cards, both as regards political projects and for a reinterpretation of symbols that objectively express legitimate political and social elements of identity but which must be adapted to the future that is to be built.

Foreign policy, at least at present, does not realistically show great margins for action, even if a certain inattention to Chinese imperial projects, which in substance do not differ from Russian ones, should be noted. The EU certainly needs to be consolidated, but if we want to build a core European state to which we can confer sovereignty in matters not only in monetary terms, perhaps it will be good to limit ourselves to the founding countries for the foreseeable future.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/governo-meloni-problemi/ on Mon, 26 Sep 2022 11:27:05 +0000.