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All the real numbers of the bike bonus

All the real numbers of the bike bonus

The first partial refunds of the bike bonus arrive. And then? The italics of Nunzio Ungiusto

Fast but not too fast. The mobility bonus for the purchase of bikes and scooters does not gnaw kilometers at a fast pace. That is, it does not compete (figuratively) with cars and motorbikes along city streets. Even if more than a few unfortunates (in a non-figurative sense, this time) enjoy running and often overwhelm unsuspecting passers-by.

The first stone of Conte and Costa's green revolution towards urban sustainability bites the brake, just to stick to a mechanical lexicon.

After the days of the brawl to access the ministerial site , the first bank transfers finally started for the lucky ones who had managed to come forward during the night.

The value of the mobility vouchers spent is over 54 million, informs the Ministry of the Environment. The first 90 thousand reimbursements were made to citizens for an amount of 30.28 million euros.

The 23,889 merchants, on the other hand, received € 9.13 million. First tranche, all in all, because "based on the progress of the payment of the bonus, the merchants registered on the www.buonomobilita.it platform, where it is possible to spend the vouchers, are 3,234, with 5,454 points of sale between physical stores and online ".

The year therefore ends with partial results compared to the excellent initial intentions of the government. Two historical evils of politics have fallen for months: bureaucracy and controversy.

Do you remember the disputes between Ministries on which document to consider valid for obtaining reimbursement? And the debacle of the offline platform in the sad clickday? Are we really thinking of turning green with these credentials?

For months, Italian cyclists have been asked to be patient. And they had a lot of it, after pulling out the money waiting for a 50% refund. Wait, because one day everything will be easy, the palace newsboys said. This is not exactly what happened, if only a few hours ago the Ministry of the Environment was able to provide the first numbers.

In the days of the computer crash to register, Minister Sergio Costa felt the duty to apologize for the poor figure, due to transversal deficits and lack of preparation between various structures of the state. And now that something is moving? Will the scores be evened by the end of the year? Will the names and registered Ibans age without fate?

It would be very useful, however, to know the timing for subsequent reimbursements to all those who are eligible. Ah, waiting for the next allocation: Minister Costa dixit.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/tutti-i-veri-numeri-del-bonus-bici/ on Tue, 01 Dec 2020 06:32:14 +0000.