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Apple blocks ChatGpt on BlueMail email app

Apple blocks ChatGpt on BlueMail email app

Apple, which so far seemed to have remained on the sidelines in the current debate on chatbots such as ChatGPT based on artificial intelligence, has decided to have its say by putting a spoke in the works for the BlueMail email app. Question of ethics or fear of competition?

Artificial intelligence is increasingly gaining ground and now even Apple wants to have its say. Yesterday, in fact, it decided to block the update of BlueMail, an email app powered by ChatGPT, in the App Store.

The reason, says the Wall Street Journal , would be the fear that the app could generate inappropriate content for children and for this reason the Cupertino giant is asking email apps with AI-based language features to set an age limit for children aged 17 and over.


Apple decided to block an update to the BlueMail email app last week, BlueMail developer Ben Volach, co-founder of Blix, told the WSJ over concerns that a new AI feature in the app could display content. not suitable for younger audiences.


The offending function, in fact, uses ChatGPT to automate the writing of e-mails starting from the contents of previous e-mails and from calendar events. All this, according to Apple, without providing an adequate filter.

Hence the iPhone manufacturer's request to raise the age limit for use to 17 or include a content filter that would inevitably limit the app's distribution to new potential users.


However, the recipient sends the accusation back to the sender claiming that BlueMail already has a filter and that the app restriction is currently set for users aged 4 and over.

Additionally, Volach disputes Apple's request because the age limit of 17 or older affects categories of apps that can include anything from offensive language to sexual content. He also claims that this is a targeted and unfair attack as other apps with similar AI features without age restrictions are already allowed for Apple users.

“We want equity. If we are asked to be over 17 then others should be asked the same too,” Volach tweeted.


The controversy, according to the WSJ , "shows widespread concerns about whether artificial intelligence language generation tools, such as ChatGPT, are ready for widespread use" and "Apple's attempt to establish an age limit to help moderate the contents of an artificial intelligence based on a linguistic model indicates that the tech giant is closely observing the new technology and the risks it entails”.

So far, in fact, although Apple has been one of the first to bring AI technology into the mainstream with the introduction of the Siri voice assistant in 2011, it seems to have stayed out of all generative AI projects. At an internal conference on AI for company employees last month, the meetings focused on areas such as computer vision, healthcare and privacy, according to sources interviewed by the WSJ .

For Gizmodo , however, Apple's attack, in addition to being an attempt to exercise power to establish AI moderation standards in a period of little or no government oversight, could also point to a potential conflict with competitor Google.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/apple-stoppa-chatgpt-sullapp-di-posta-elettronica-bluemail/ on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 09:57:41 +0000.