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Are the priorities of the Democratic Party the rave parties?

Are the priorities of the Democratic Party the rave parties?

Anti rave party decree: facts and reactions (by Pd and M5s). Paola Sacchi's note

Matteo Salvini, promptly replying on Twitter to the accusations of Enrico Letta to defend the illegal anti-rave measure of "his" – in the sense of a high-profile technician indicated in the Lega quota – minister of the same name Matteo Piantedosi, returned to the center of the topic safety. And the mainstream narrative scheme a bit like a broken record will now put him back in the stereotypical role of the "spoiler", the deputy who wants to "dictate the agenda" of the premier, as has already been described. But five years now is like a geological era in politics. And pragmatism is the hallmark of the center right with respect to the ideological battles of the left.

Giorgia Meloni's executive is not the yellow-green one of Count I, who saw the center-right divided and who was already born shaky because objectively split by two opposing visions: on the one hand the League of growth and development, on the other the Five Stars degrowth and welfare assistance. The Meloni government also suffered tremors in their birth, above all the "physiological" ones, as the premier tells Bruno Vespa, in the new book The Great Tempest , due to the passage of premiership with Berlusconi.

Meloni praises the Cav for "clarity in understanding priorities", for "the beautiful and important speech that I was happy to applaud in the Senate". Words of recognition from the prime minister at the same time for the vice premier and minister of infrastructure Salvini, with whom "a new and different relationship has been established". Meloni continues: “He helped me look for solutions. Mutual frankness without controversy. A mediator? Well, the fact of not taking sides with Berlusconi a priori helped me a lot ”.

A very distant and different description from the old narrative that puts the “captain's” social activism against the premier and president of FdI. Then, it is physiological that in a majority driven by FdI, which has clearly won but not overwhelmed by the allies, decisive shareholders, FI and Lega tend to assert their role and identity.

But the center-right, already together in four Berlusconi governments and at the head of 14 Regions, has not from now on that pragmatic unitary spirit unknown to the frayed front of the opposition. So the distinctions that there are also above all with FI on pandemic politics, with the two blue group leaders Licia Ronzulli and Alessandro Cattaneo not in favor of anticipating the stop to the service for unvaccinated doctors, or the activism that is part of the same figure of the leadership of Salvini, do not appear destined to exceed that subtle threshold, beyond which the different nuances would become fibrillations. Also because pragmatically the alternative, which would only be to return to the vote, does not even touch the back-thinking of FI but not even of the League, which would risk losing further consensus to the advantage of FdI.

On the other hand, the state of crisis that paralyzes the Democratic Party, the fraying of the opposition, are at the same time objective guarantee of the stabilization of the center-right majority. Salvini, in fact, not for a formal rite, assures that "the left will not make us fight, we will last five years". To the accusations of the dem of "damaging the freedom to demonstrate" or of Giuseppe Conte who even evokes "the police state" – to which the Interior Ministry first replies, reiterating that it is a rule that does not violate the right of expression at all – Salvini he replies sharply that "the Democratic Party is in confusion, the law must be respected, there is no going back". Thing on which the coalition is compact, even if FI are proposed to improve the illegal anti-rave rule in parliament.

Then, the Minister of Infrastructures traces in a direct social network the road map of 117 works to be unlocked, the goal of the bridge over the Strait and reaffirms the agenda of the League's commitments on the stop to the Fornero law with the use of funds obtained from the revision of the citizenship income, the flat tax.

Today oath of the undersecretaries. Tomorrow Meloni in Brussels for meetings with the EU leaders. At the heart of the request to update the PNRR also in light of the energy emergency, which will be, together with Nadef, preparatory to the Budget Law, on the table of the Council of Ministers on Friday.

The Meloni government accelerates. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, appears to be grappling with a battle in favor of raves that does not seem exactly the majority in the expectations of the country's agenda. Pragmatism against ideological and dramatized battles to obscure the identity crisis of a left that, with some exceptions, has not addressed the problem of security for years.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/le-priorita-del-pd-sono-i-rave-party/ on Wed, 02 Nov 2022 06:43:35 +0000.