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Arms to Ukraine: united majority, crushed oppositions

Arms to Ukraine: united majority, crushed oppositions

Oppositions are divided over the shipment of arms to Ukraine, extended by the Meloni government with a decree. Paola Sacchi's note

In line with all the votes of the center-right united in parliament, starting with that of last March on support for Ukraine also with the shipment of arms decided by the Draghi government, which expires on December 31st, and in line with the motion presented the day before yesterday in the Chamber by the majority, the Meloni government approved thedecree extending the shipment of weapons for 2023 in the council of ministers.

So in spite of a narrative that hypothesized "pro-Putinian" cracks on Ukraine, with suspicions once about Matteo Salvini (video-linked with Palazzo Chigi, because today he will be in Palermo at the Open Arms trial), another about Silvio Berlusconi, for having pressed the key on the need to open a peace path, in respect of the reasons of the Ukraine attacked by Russia, the centre-right or centre-right therefore in fact maintains faith in what was the main point of foreign policy in the common government programme. And now the ball goes back to the Democratic Party above all.

If the majority abstained on his motion the day before yesterday, thus ensuring its approval, since Enrico Letta immediately sided with the Atlantic line on support for Ukraine, now however the Pd will again be in pincers in parliament between Giuseppe Conte, who has already called him a "warmonger" several times, like the so-called "pacifist" people in the square, and the "third pole" of Carlo Calenda with Matteo Renzi on the same positions as the pro-Ukraine government majority .

However, it will also be necessary to see what the position of the Five Stars will now be, which last time they voted in favor of the Draghi government measure, of which they were then part. But it is not at all foreseeable that Conte's offensive on the dem will cease. The Meloni government decree in continuity with Draghi is in fact the key provision that also provides coverage for the shipment of weapons for 2023. The debates that then took place in parliament on various motions were political in nature. The day before yesterday's discussion highlighted even more the split in the opposition, which in the meantime is also taking place on the Budget law in the House on December 20, preceded by the vote on Ukraine.

If in the majority the Calenda case, received at his request at Palazzo Chigi by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, to illustrate the proposals despite opposition to the maneuver, a move on which Renzi also stamped yesterday, has created irritation in Forza Italia, accused by the same third-party leader of wanting to "sabotage" the Budget, seems to fade away, the controversy explodes virulently all the way to the left.

Between Letta and Calenda, in return to Renzi, a rough exchange of accusations. Letta accuses the leader of Action of being ready to replace FI and the other who reacts heavily: "Nonsense from a man who doesn't know how to develop a strategy". Renzi concludes by also attacking Letta: "He got it all wrong, we could have stopped Meloni". Letta, after receiving a series of categories yesterday, is preparing to take to the streets against the maneuver defined as "Unfair and in favor of tax evaders".

But on the left the music seems to start to change a bit. The candidacy of Stefano Bonaccini is increasingly advancing, with the support of the mayors Dario Nardella, Antonio Decaro, president of the Anci, probably of Matteo Ricci. Bonaccini already seems to be speaking as secretary: "We'll be in the opposition for a while and it will do us good." Frecciata a Calenda : "The opposition is not done with the tete-a-tete , but in parliament and in a serious way". And to the Five Stars: "Oppose the government, not the Democratic Party". It is not known how it will end up in the Democratic Party, but it should always be remembered that the Emilian governor has so far got along pragmatically with all the secretaries of the Democratic Party from Pier Luigi Bersani to Renzi himself. And at that point could the thread of the "third pole" rejoin the Democratic Party? Very future scenarios, but not in the field of the improbable.

Forza Italia targeted by Calenda – playing the bad guy, while Renzi played the good guy, indeed the "moderate" as he defined himself – the day before yesterday with Silvio Berlusconi, while "appreciating the maneuver", he asked for a greater de-contribution for young people hired. And yesterday with the group leaders Licia Ronzulli and Alessandro Cattaneo he insisted on the extension of the Superbonus so as not to cause damage to businesses. Giorgio Mulè, the blue vice president of the Chamber attacks Calenda and affirms that Prime Minister Meloni "believes in a granite way in this majority". He also underlined that FdI is implementing FI's requests with its own amendments on the Superbonus. The tension within the majority returns. The controversy now explodes all over the center-left.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/decreto-governo-meloni-armi-ucraina/ on Fri, 02 Dec 2022 06:44:16 +0000.