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Autostrade, how the Aspi cashback for refunds will work

Autostrade, how the Aspi cashback for refunds will work

All the details on Free To X Cashback, the application through which Aspi (Autostrade per l'Italia) users can report travel delays that go beyond the norm and get a discount on the amount paid at the motorway toll booth.

Autostrade per l'Italia launching Free To X Cashback, the application through which Aspi users can report travel delays that go beyond the norm and obtain a discount on the amount paid at the motorway toll booth.

aspi cashback

In short, when you get stuck in traffic, in a queue due to some construction site, a rather widespread eventuality – as Ligurian users are well aware ("construction site planning involves all the bodies involved, but we know that we are stressing the system with huge investments, in addition, there are regulatory constraints that force us to do the work at certain times … probably we should better communicate the complexity of the work, explaining why it is not always possible to do it at night ", the CEO of Aspi justifies) -, through the app you will be refunded.

"Our works – said Roberto Tomasi, CEO of Autostrade per l'Italia, making implicit reference to the inconvenience suffered by motorists in the summer – need to be modernized with due medium-long term plans". "We will give users – continued the CEO of Aspi – all the information on the construction site: what we are doing, what is the purpose of those works and how long they will last". “We will be the only ones in Europe to have dynamic pricing that varies according to the inconvenience we are going to create”, specifies the CEO of Autostrade.

The Aspi cashback project was tested over the summer on 6,300 drivers invited to provide feedback on the service. Once the request has been submitted through your smartphone, the company verifies the actual delay and returns part of the cost of the trip or even 100 percent in the most serious cases.

The Aspi cashback will be distributed starting from January and will cover all types of payments that can be used in Autostrade, from toll systems such as Telepass to tickets, passing through cards. The refund will then be paid either on the invoice, directly on the IBAN in the case of a ticket collected at the toll booth or on a payment card or Telepass system.

To those who use cash or cards, to request a refund it will be sufficient to send the photograph – via the app – of the payment receipt, collected at the exit. Furthermore, at a later time, for users who register their credit card and license plate, Aspi will know if they are entitled to the discount and the credit will be automatic, as if they had Telepass. From mid-September to 31 December 2021, the trial will be open to all who download the app.


To be entitled to the Aspi cashback, the delay accrued in the stretch of motorway must be significant. The measurement takes place on the basis of average travel times, calculated on an average speed of 100 km / h for cars, 70 km / h for heavy vehicles.

For example, a delay of thirty minutes on a 5-hour journey will not be subject to cashback by Aspi, vice versa, the delay of 15 minutes on a total of 20 minutes of travel will be reimbursed ("it is an initiative aimed at commuters ", Specify from Autostrade), provided however that it is due to the meeting of a construction site that affects the quality of the trip (eg reduces the lanes from three to two, but must not be in the emergency lane) and has caused a overall delay on the route (to avoid the need for the crafty man who stopped voluntarily for a few hours in a service stand). There will also be no refunds for delays related to the so-called 'black sticker weekends' in the summer or bad weather. In short, the rule to keep in mind is that the inconvenience must be connected to an Aspi construction site.

(Extract of an article published on policymakermag.it)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/autostrade-come-funzionera-il-cashback-di-aspi-per-i-rimborsi-causa-ritardi/ on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 08:04:20 +0000.