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Bcc, here is the new national contract

Bcc, here is the new national contract

News and details on the new national employment contract for the employees of the mutual banks (cooperative credit banks). Emanuela Rossi's article

The reservation on the agreement has been lifted, the national contract of the mutual banks, which concerns about 35 thousand employees , is fully operational. And you can also proceed with the salary adjustment.


On 3 August, Fabi, First Cisl, Fisac ​​Cgil, Ugl Credito and Uilca sent a letter to the top management of cooperative credit to formalize the dissolution of the reserve on the renewal agreement of the national collective labor agreement, which expired in December 2019, which was signed June 11th. The negotiations, which began in October 2021, had come into full swing at the end of January 2022. About 11 thousand workers participated in the more than 200 meetings throughout Italy and 98% of voters said they were in favor of the new contract.

The national secretariats Fabi, First Cisl, Fisac ​​Cgil, Ugl Credito and Uilca – satisfied – are already looking to the future: "We are perfectly aware that the negotiation process will continue, having to deal with central issues such as the classification of personnel and professional profiles, the overall matter of the social safety nets and bilateral bodies as well as the renewal of the national collective labor agreement for executives ".

Green light therefore to the adjustment of salaries. The new contract, in fact, for the economic part, provides for an average monthly increase of 190 euros: of these, 150 euros will be paid in August and 40 euros in October.


In addition to the news regarding the economic part, the new contract plans to expand and strengthen the previous contractual area, to increase training for all staff by ten hours, to regulate smart working at national level with the right to disconnect and unchanged remuneration. , including meal vouchers. And again: space for improvement and updating of profiles concerning the reconciliation of life / work times; establishment of the commission for inclusion policies; regulation of the new productivity value for economic increases at group / company level; annual contribution of 1,500 euros for each handicapped family member; increase in company contributions, effective May, of 0.35% to be paid by the company for the Mutual Fund and by 0.20% for social security for those hired before 2000 and by 0.30% for those hired after 2000.


At the end of July, good news also arrived on the Solidarity Fund to support the employability and employment of cooperative credit, established with a framework agreement between trade unions and Federcasse in 1998. The Fund intervenes with protection measures for all employees involved in restructuring processes, corporate crises, workforce reduction processes or job transformations.

After a long discussion within the administrative committee of the Fund, Fabi, First Cisl, Fisac ​​Cgil, Ugl Credito and Uilca reached an agreement with the top management of Federcasse with which it is foreseen the possibility of accessing the benefits of the extraordinary allowance for redundancies volunteers with contribution increases in favor of blind and deaf employees with a disability of more than 74%.

“This concludes – reads a joint note of the signatories – a long process of work, which lasted many (too many) years, with the achievement of a significant objective, of strong social value for the category. From now on, the workers of the Cooperative Credit system who present the weaknesses contained in the resolution, will be able to apply the legal increases both for 'facilitated' access to early retirement with the Fund, and for the determination, where expected, of the amount of the extraordinary allowance. Paying attention to the weakest people – they conclude – represents for these trade unions a distinctive feature of their work and the adoption of this resolution is a demonstration of this: the Cooperative Credit Income Support Fund strengthens its purpose as an 'institution', supportive and inclusive, aimed at workers of Cooperative Credit and their prerogatives ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/bcc-ecco-il-nuovo-contratto-nazionale/ on Wed, 17 Aug 2022 05:00:18 +0000.