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Because Conte’s 5-star dreams vanish with Craxi

Because Conte's 5-star dreams vanish with Craxi

What does the election of Stefania Craxi as president of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee mean not only for the 5 Stars. The Scratches of Damato

Antonio Polito, columnist for Corriere della Sera , collected this reasoning among the Grillini after the election of Stefania Craxi as president of the Senate Foreign Commission, by secret ballot, and the protests raised by Giuseppe Conte against the marginalization of his party to the 'inside the majority: "If you nominate one of your loyalists, while you are proposing to detach Europe from the US and stop sending weapons to Ukraine, on the same day that the Prime Minister receives the Finnish premier who wants to join NATO and Russia expels 24 Italian diplomats, it is difficult for you to be able to elect the president of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Senate ”.

Even worse, the former Prime Minister has come out of the chat, accused by the Internet users of the 5 Stars of bringing the movement to ruin, with how much satisfaction for his internal competitor, who is the Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, it is easy to imagine.

It must be said that Conte, while demanding respect for the "eleven million votes" collected by his movement in the now distant 2018, which are three million more than the famous eight million "bayonets" boasted by Mussolini in the Second World War, is aware of the weakness in which he finds himself. Even his reference newspaper, inspiration, support and so on, of course Il Fatto Quotidiano , gave him a warning on the front page to contain himself: “no reaction failures,” he said. And in fact, after having protested trying to speak with the Prime Minister, the lawyer quietly went to the Finnish embassy to eat with Mario Draghi and Enrico Letta the lunch offered by the premier of Helsinky after the meeting at Palazzo Chigi on the request for membership of the his country to NATO, promptly supported by the Italian government. He quietly ate, among other things, tortellini and sea bream with asparagus, snatching Letta only a few words of understanding for the "accident" that occurred in the majority. But also a recommendation not to provoke others because sooner or later there is a real risk of a crisis and early elections "by chance".

The former Prime Minister therefore found himself at any moment in the shoes not of those who can protest but of those who must contain themselves, that is, not carry out the aforementioned "reaction faults".

If this is what the secretary of the Democratic Party thinks, let alone how little comfort Conte can find in the Prime Minister. To which it must not have seemed true, with all the problems that the Grillini would like to pose to him in Parliament against military aid to Ukraine, to see the presidency of the Senate Foreign Commission handed over to a force worker like Stefania Craxi. Who in the statements made after the election stressed the need to use in NATO and the European Union against Putin "the toughness necessary to lead to a dialogue", that is, to a peace negotiation. Not even Silvio Berlusconi has recently come to such clarity, instead granting Matteo Salvini the regret of seeing Italy involved in the conflict precisely with military aid to Ukraine. And surprising to such an extent the Minister of Forces Mariastella Gelmini, already controversial with him for the management of the party, that she gave an interview to Corriere della Sera to demand more alignment with NATO.

To Draghi, in short, what happened in the new Foreign Commission of Palazzo Madama, which took over from the one chaired by an openly and proudly supporter of Putin, is not good but very well.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/conte-debolezza-m5s/ on Thu, 19 May 2022 05:31:15 +0000.