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Because De Luca will close Campania

Because De Luca will close Campania

The order from President Vincenzo De Luca is ready for the lockdown in Campania. All the details

The signing of the order announced today by President Vincenzo De Luca for the lockdown in Campania against the surge in Covid infections is expected for tomorrow or Sunday. This is what transpires from circles in the Region.


The president of the region De Luca will close everything. "Today we are called to make strong, definitive and effective decisions, to face a situation that has become difficult," he said during a live Facebook. In the Region today, there have been 2,280 infections. “Every day that passes risks the situation of the epidemic worsening in an unsustainable manner. For this reason, I believe that there is no longer an hour of time to waste and even the ordinance that comes into force today is already outdated by the contagion data we have to deal with. I believe we have to decide today, not tomorrow, not in a week, because we really don't have time to waste any more ".

“We had imagined a partial closure – explained De Luca – but for the data we have, even this is no longer enough. We have to decide to close everything ".


De Luca has made it known that he will communicate “to the Government not only my request for a lockdown on all of Italy, but as regards Campania we will proceed in the direction of closing everything. The Government will decide for Italy, for Campania we will do what we think is right for us. I believe that we must close everything except industrial, agricultural, construction, agri-food, agri-food supplies, the things we have already known in March and April ”.


“Shut down everything except essential activities. I believe that we must block mobility between regions and between municipalities, trying to defend productive activities as much as possible ”.

“We still have time, today we have a difficult situation but we are not at the tragedy, but we are one step away from the tragedy. Put brutally clearly, I don't want to be confronted here by military trucks carrying hundreds of coffins of deceased people "." We are not guaranteed by anyone that this will not happen, if not by our responsibility, by the correctness of our behavior and also from the decisions we make immediately, otherwise those images we saw a few months ago are destined to reproduce and enter our lives in a dramatic way ”, added De Luca.


“Today we have to make the last attempt to stop the outbreak of the infection, so we have to close everything for a month, for 40 days, to curb the outbreak of the infection. Then we will see in a month, but it is clear that without drastic decisions we cannot hold up, and we must do it today because we are still in a position to hold up, tomorrow it will no longer be possible ”. "The situations that we find in the evening in front of bars, at night in the hours of nightlife, in front of schools at the entrances and exits – added De Luca – are those that have led to an enormous spread of the infection and with respect to which we must make decisions today".


"When we have these numbers, contact tracing, that is, the investigation that is done on close contacts that had the positive, has now become impossible". “When you have thousands of new positives a day – he concludes – there is no health facility that can hold up, it becomes impossible to go and rebuild the entire network of infections. This means that we need to be even more responsible and fair ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/de-luca-chiusura-campania/ on Fri, 23 Oct 2020 14:15:24 +0000.