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Because Draghi is furious

Because Draghi is furious

The Scratches of Damato

Except for a couple of newspapers, I don't know if more distracted or more provident, in contrast to the exaggerations of the others, the newspapers are full of the nervous breakdown that Mario Draghi would have succumbed to after the government was beaten four times in Parliament in the examination of the so-called milleproroghe, in one word: a kind of sausage where a little bit of everything is mixed every year, sometimes even important but frequently less thick.

The indiscipline in the majority of the rest very varied, with the Northern League and the forcas sometimes tempted to chase the opposition of Giorgia Meloni just to save what little – less and less – that remains of the center-right on paper and in local administrations, would have to such irritated point the Prime Minister – already nervous of his own for some time for having been involved in the matter at the Quirinale even more than he had wanted with that image of the "grandfather at the disposal of the institutions" while Mattarella denied an encore on the right and left- to take the opportunity offered him by an interview already scheduled at the Quirinale to overshadow, threaten and I don't know what else his resignation. “I can look for another job myself”, he himself warned a few days ago those who were already busy planning another political experience.

Don't worry. Don't waste money betting on a crisis. All parties – some more and some less, even those apparently more muscular – have too many problems between and within themselves to afford an explosion of the current equilibrium destined to produce not another government but early elections, now that the president confirmed the Repubblica regained the prerogative of the dissolution of the Chambers prevented in the last six months of the previous mandate.

But without even having to resort to early voting, and while exempt from the urgency of the lists of candidates to be prepared for a new Parliament with one third fewer seats, the fans are practically already in the electoral campaign, having to participate in referendums on justice issues as soon as allowed by the Constitutional Court and the renewal of many important local administrations, where old and perhaps even new alliances will compete. After that it will be much less than a year before the ordinary expiry of the legislature and the consequent general electoral campaign.

To the old and not overcome emergencies – health, economic and social – that led Mattarella to send Draghi to Palazzo Chigi a year ago, other internal difficulties were added that will help to keep the political temperature high, not to mention the international problems to which the Italy is far too directly concerned. "They have returned to impose themselves – the former leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate Luigi Zanda rightly observed in an interview with the press – purely political issues on which the parties will no longer be able to hide behind Draghi's back". Who, for his part, can no longer materially sacrifice himself too much in relations with the parties, for which he has shown indulgence and understanding in abundance before the misunderstandings that exploded with the race to the Quirinale, without irreparably damaging the credit deserved internationally in throughout his long career. Which is the credit by virtue of which he can say – I repeat – that if necessary he will be able to look for and even more so to find on his own another job, even better paid than the current one, if it is, not being able to exclude that he has also given up on it. .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-draghi-e-furioso/ on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 07:13:52 +0000.