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Because Draghi is needed by Italy

Because Draghi is needed by Italy

The government of national unity chaired by Draghi is the only possible solution for Italy to maintain confidence on the international level and to manage the funds of the PNRR. We can't afford to screw everything up. The intervention of Sister Anna Monia Alfieri

We start from afar, we go back in history until we reach Sant'Ambrogio, the great bishop of Milan. I don't want anyone who isn't Milanese (neither am I, so no one can be offended) but Ambrose is an extraordinary figure in history, of the Church and beyond. Of course, like everyone else, he is a child of his time, therefore some of his actions today arouse reproach. Let's go further and look at the good, as always.

Di Ambrogio, in addition to the unshakable faith that can be gleaned splendidly in his works, in particular from the hymns born from his pen, his relationship with imperial power has always struck me. And he had to do with emperors who were certainly not mild-hearted: let's think of Theodosius. Of course, in school books we learn a Theodosius advocate of Christianity. But Theodosius was also the promoter of the Thessalonica massacre, a terrible carnage. Ambrose, having learned of the massacre, wrote to the emperor saying that he would not celebrate the Eucharist in his presence. In response, the good Theodosius had to do nothing but acknowledge his error coram populo , the only condition for being readmitted to the Sacraments.

Here Ambrogio has always inspired me. I don't want to be misunderstood, but I have always tried to keep Ambrose's attitude towards politics a little. I have a goal and two principles. Let's start, rightly, from the principles:

1) faith without works is dead,

2) politics is the highest form of charity.

I got the two principles, one from St. James, the other from St. Paul VI, so no one will be able to object to anything. The goal, in my religious consecration, is to serve young people, in particular through the recognition of the principle of parents' freedom of educational choice. That's all. From the beginning action, unity of moral and civil commitment. Sic et simpliciter .

I believe, let me say, that if the goal had been achieved earlier, we would not have found ourselves in this situation. On the contrary: I do not believe it, I am convinced of it. If the school had actually been free, if there hadn't been schools for A-series citizens and schools for B-series citizens, we would not have come to witness the indecent spectacle that we have been witnessing for a few days.

A government of national unity which, despite the great good that has been done for our country, is in crisis by a political fringe which, in order to ride the wave of discontent among some, jeopardizes the stability of all. How? Striking the government chaired by Dr. Mario Draghi, a name, a guarantee of seriousness and international trust, above any suspicion and any scandal, economic or personal. A life spent in work and dedicated to family affections, often sacrificed, one can imagine, at the altar of responsibility, a life certainly not in favor of the camera, friendships cultivated in the field of study and work, certainly not in that of the clubs. of – doubt – fun.

Here, such a government that has organized, among many results, a vaccination campaign that the whole world envies us, has been questioned. And let's also look at the when: in the delicate moment in which two European nations are fighting each other with an energy crisis at the gates never experienced before. When we say political responsibility and the sense of the institutions… Then I only dare to imagine what dr. Draghi when he is forced to work with people who have not even graduated. But that's okay, everyone has their own story.

In this historical moment I cannot, as a citizen and as a believer, not do my part and ask all political forces to take responsibility, beyond any logic of consensus on the part of the party. Sometimes, the most unpopular choices at the moment turn out to be the best in the long run. The government of national unity chaired by Draghi is the only possible solution for Italy to maintain confidence on the international level and to manage the funds of the PNRR. We can't afford to screw everything up.

Let's go back to Ambrose. I quote a short passage from the eulogy he composed on the death of Theodosius: “Yes, I loved this man who preferred the one who took him back to his flatterers. He threw down all the insignia of imperial dignities, publicly mourned in the Church the sin into which he had been wickedly dragged, and begged for forgiveness with tears and groans. Simple courtiers let themselves be distracted by shame, and an emperor did not blush to perform public penance, and from then on not a single day passed for him without his regretting his absence ”.

In Ambrogio's words I see the greatness that arises from a dimension that has now fallen into oblivion: coherence, in thought and in action.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-draghi-serve-italia/ on Mon, 18 Jul 2022 07:21:16 +0000.