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Because I criticize the rudeness of Landini and Bombardieri at the CISL of Sbarra

Because I criticize the rudeness of Landini and Bombardieri at the CISL of Sbarra

What hides the forfait of Maurizio Landini (CGIL) and Pierpaolo Bombardieri (UIL) at the CISL congress led by Luigi Sbarra. Giuliano Cazzola's comment

Now we have had further confirmation of this: Maurizio Landini and Pierpaolo Bombarbieri are not only leaders who try to compensate for their inadequacy with arrogance, with the moralizing tirades of the most trite demagogy when they are called to confront issues of merit, with the self-confidence of those who have few and more confused ideas.

Through the rudeness given to the XIX congress of the CISL, Landini and Bombardieri also made themselves known for their rudeness. Obviously – even if Luigi Sbarra took their justifications for good – the two De Rege brothers of confederal syndicalism could not make us believe that they had both – on the same day when they were invited to speak – concomitant and indelible personal commitments; if only because invitations to trade union congresses are made well in advance and not only in writing but directly, through the secretarial offices, by submitting the calendar of works to the guests in advance.

For the same reasons, not even the version that attributes the dilemma to them (copyright Nanni Moretti) is convincing as to whether it is more convenient to be noticed because they are absent or present but in silence. It goes without saying that when the secretaries of CGIL and UIL were invited, it was explained how the participation in the congress of the sister organization would take place. And there would therefore have been the possibility of expressing – in time – one's reservations and obtaining satisfaction. This is a practice that is followed with guests, in every event.

It is evident that the desertion of the leaders was mediated through direct contacts between the staff and set up in a formal way. It is a question of understanding what induced the terrible pair of new associates to assume that position. Undoubtedly, a long wave (which has not yet become a tsumani) is in motion in the relations between the historic confederal powerhouses. most useless and ramshackle general strike in recent history (proclaimed by Cgil and Uil last December 16) and which continues its path (here is the short wave) between the opposite shores of the Social Pact, proposed by Confindustria, welcomed by Mario Draghi ( speaking at the CISL assembly, the premier said that industrial relations are necessary to govern the transition) but fiercely opposed by Maurizio Landini and his new snack partner who has overturned the traditional alliances in the trade union sphere). The question of the Social Pact (following the example of that of 1993) was instead at the center of the debate at the XIX Congress of the Confederation in via Po.

In addition, we are not sure that Landini & company appreciated the invitation and intervention of the representatives of the Ukrainian trade unions, confirming the greater reasonableness with which Luigi Sbarra, in the report, addressed – albeit in the context of an initiative to peace – the problems of sanctions against Russian aggressors and military assistance to Ukraine .

Monday, May 31, the twenty-sixth anniversary of the death of Luciano Lama is celebrated and the CGIL, together with other associations, has organized an event. On this occasion it would be useful to examine Landini's conscience, because Lama would have had no doubts in placing the CGIL on the side of the attacked, without hunting for a pretext and inconclusive pacifism.

Returning to the Social Pact – beyond nominalisms – a little common sense and responsibility would be enough to realize that this would be the only terrain of confrontation in which the trade union and the so-called intermediate bodies would have the opportunity to speak with the government and share it. the choices, in the face of the challenges that the country and Europe are destined to face.

Unfortunately, the air is different: nothing new, all ancient. Landini is preparing to take the CGIL to another general strike by June. Bombers will follow as the stewards in the armies of the Great Course. The same game will be played with the three cards that our team set up in December.

In the presence of a dense book of generic claims (including unarmed peace) collected under approximate titles, the government will be accused as it is not able to solve those problems, as the trade unions would like, which continue to consider themselves the leaven of history.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/perche-critico-lo-sgarbo-di-landini-e-bombardieri-alla-cisl-di-sbarra/ on Sat, 28 May 2022 09:21:38 +0000.