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Because I will press on green hydrogen and nuclear fusion (no batteries). Minister Cingolani speaks

Because I will press on green hydrogen and nuclear fusion (no batteries). Minister Cingolani speaks

Not just hydrogen, nuclear fusion and batteries. What Roberto Cingolani, Minister of Ecological Transition, said in the parliamentary hearing on the programmatic lines of his dicastery

Green hydrogen and nuclear fusion. Here are the priorities of the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani.

Here are all the details.


“I hope that if we have worked well, in ten years our successors will talk about how to lower the price of green hydrogen and how to invest in nuclear fusion. This is the transition I have in my head ”. This is what the Minister of Ecological Transition , Roberto Cingolani, said, presenting the guidelines of his ministry by videoconference to the Environment and Productive Activities Committees of the Chamber and the Senate.


“The universe works with nuclear fusion. That is the renewable of renewables – explained the minister -. Today we have a duty in the NRP to strengthen Italy's role in the international Iter and MIT projects on fusion. That's a train we can't miss ”.


“We cannot fail to consider green hydrogen as the queen solution – said Cingolani -. It is basically the ideal vector. In ten years, we will have green hydrogen and cars that will run on fuel cells. We will have overcome the batteries, because they have a disposal problem, and we will be investing in nuclear fusion, which is now taking its first steps in the laboratories ”.


“We have a decade to make our company competitive on green hydrogen – added the head of the Ecological Transition department -. At the moment we do not have the plants, we do not know how to store and how to use hydrogen. But this is just the reality today. We must begin to launch our programs, we must create that system that around that energy vector allows us to operate at best ”.


“As soon as possible, it will be necessary to update the national energy plan, the Pniec, which is no longer in line with the projects of the Pnrr (National resilience recovery plan). There is no point in having an energy plan that is not aligned with the PNRR. As soon as possible we will get our hands on it ”, specified Cingolani.


"It is the intention of the Ministry of Ecological Transition to define the Pitesai (Plan for the sustainable energy transition of suitable areas, the map of the areas in Italy where hydrocarbons can be searched and extracted) within the terms of the law of next September 30", said Roberto Cingolani.


The objective of the ministry, added Cingolani, is to ensure "the collaboration of the regional administrations" and to identify "a defined framework to be submitted to Vas in the areas where the research and extraction of hydrocarbons on the national territory is permitted".



Honorable Presidents, Dear Senators and Deputies,

I refer to the Joint Industry / Productive Activities and Environment Committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, on the programmatic guidelines of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

I make these communications via video conference with the remote presence imposed by the health precautions aimed at preventing the spread of the contagion from the COVID 19 virus .

This is the first Legislature – and this is the first Government – in which the report on the programmatic lines of the Ministers is given to the Commission through the use of digital technologies. It is certainly a tangible sign not only of the conditioning of the pandemic underway but – taking the positive aspect – also of the potential offered by technology. I will return later, in the course of this exhibition, to the potential that technologies offer for environmental protection and ecological transition.

But this is also the first opportunity – look for our purposes more meaningful – the entry into force of the law establishing the Ministry of the Environment (Law no. 349 of 1986), in which the Minister refers to the joint committees of the environment and of industry of the two houses of Parliament. In the past, in fact, the Minister of the Environment has always illustrated the policies of the Dicastery only to the Environment Commissions.

This circumstance is due to the inevitable – perhaps belated – recognition by the Italian legal system of the intimate connection between environment, energy and development.

This recognition was produced in the legal system with the decree-law of 1 March 2021, n. 22, on the subject of reorganization of the powers of the Ministries, today being examined by the Chambers.

The ecological transition and the environmental debt

Before examining the innovations produced by the aforementioned decree-law, I would like to underline the denomination assumed by the Ministry of ecological transition, observing that the concept of ecological transition is not uniquely defined among the States. In fact, there is such inequality on a planetary level that what for industrialized and more advanced countries is a transition, for others is something materially impossible. Although the objectives of environmental sustainability are clear on a global level, the way forward is not the same for everyone.

This is an aspect that invests our country with great responsibility .

The responsibility is great not only because we have to find the right way of a non-predefined path, but also because the starting point of this path is the economic and social situation determined by the persisting pandemic: a complex situation in which it appears difficult, at first sight. , to reconcile completely different social and environmental demands, which must also be composed in a political solution.

It is a responsibility towards the Italians. It is a responsibility towards the rest of the world, in consideration of the geopolitical implications that arise from Italy's energy choices and the driving role that Italian technology and intelligence must continue to maintain in tracing a virtuous path towards forms of sustainable development.

The Ministry of Ecological Transition will pursue environmental policies, in the awareness that – in the era we live in – we must also face an environmental debt . Environmental debt which unlike the economic one is, by its nature, a common debt that transcends the borders of the States and is not payable exclusively to the person who produced it, whether it is a generation or a community, distant in time or space. Furthermore, we are already burdened by an environmental debt incurred in the past decades, the amount of which will be increasingly difficult to recover if we do not act in time.

(excursus: cognitive debt and ecology of the mind on the social horizon of the new generations )

The establishment of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Interministerial Committee for Ecological Transition (ISCED)

With the decree-law n. 22 of 2021, already undergoing conversion at the Chamber, the responsibilities of the Ministry of the Environment were redefined, transferring to it powers in the field of energy, up to now assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development. This marked an important stage in the process of protecting the environment and in the process of intervention in favor of the ecological transition.

This novelty marks a qualitative leap in the country's environmental challenge, since it integrates the traditional skills of the Dicastery with those aimed at developing renewable, sustainable and non-climate-changing energy sources, to protect future generations, precisely in the logic of ecological transition that entails the new denomination of the Ministry.

This is not a mere terminological innovation, since the decree-law n. 22 provides that the Ministry's action is aimed at three distinct focuses that qualify the tasks of the three departments into which it is divided.

The three focuses concern: a) the protection of nature, the territory and the sea; b) the ecological transition; c) the interdependence of the climate and energy challenges.

The new mission of the Ministry is therefore a mission that integrates and permeates the aspects of environmental protection in the perspective of sustainable development and ecological transition.

The structuring of the Ministry's competences therefore expresses the complementarity and interconnection between the issues of environmental protection, climate protection, energy and sustainable development.

In particular, the intent of the organizational innovations introduced is to profoundly rethink the organization of the administration, addressing it as a priority towards an integral "ecological transition" of the country, strengthening and equipping the Ministry with the competences in the field of energy policy already belonging to two Directorates General of the Ministry of Economic Development (the Directorate General for Energy Supply, Efficiency and Competitiveness and the Directorate General for Infrastructure and Safety of Energy and Geomineral Systems).

The new areas of intervention of the Ministry in the energy sector therefore concern: 1) the competence in the matter of authorization of plants for the production of energy from renewable sources of state competence, also located at sea, of nuclear safety and regulation of the storage systems of the irradiated fuel and radioactive waste, as well as expertise in agro-energy; 2) expertise in plans and measures on alternative fuels and related distribution networks and structures for charging electric vehicles, on air quality, on policies to combat climate change and for climate and sustainable finance and environmental savings, also through technologies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; 3) emissions planning tasks in the various sectors of economic activity, including the transport sector.

The decree-law then specifies the competences in the matter of reuse and recycling of waste and in the field of circular economy and also specifies the competence for the remediation of sites for which the person responsible for the contamination is not identified, i.e. those for which the interested parties do not carry out the interventions (so-called "orphan sites"), as well as for the exercise of the related judicial actions for environmental damage.

As you know, and as established by the decree-law, under the functional aspect the Ministry will ensure the fulfillment of its mission through three Departments: the Department for Personnel, Nature, the Territory and the Mediterranean (DiPENT); the Department for Ecological Transition and Green Purchasing (DiTEI); the Department for Energy and Climate, which includes the Directorate General for Energy Supply, Efficiency and Competitiveness and the Directorate General for Infrastructure and Safety of Energy and Geomineral Systems of the Ministry of Economic Development and Directorate General for Climate, Energy and Air of the Ministry of the Environment.

The decree-law also provides that the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – ENEA is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and that the new competences attributed to the Ministry include those inherent in any case. to the activity of the companies operating in the reference sectors – which therefore include those relating to the activities of the Nuclear Plant Management Company Spa (SOGIN), with respect to which the Minister assumes the power to issue guidelines.

It is up to the Minister for the ecological transition to exercise the shareholder rights already exercised by the Ministry of Economic Development towards the Gestore dei Servizi Energetici Spa (GSE) and to approve the regulations on the electricity market and the natural gas market and the criteria for the promotion of electricity from renewable sources, together with the exercise of any other competence of the Ministry of Economic Development in the field of competition and regulation of public utility services in the energy sectors.

In order to provide an initial definition of the governance of the ecological transition, the decree-law establishes, at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Interministerial Committee for Ecological Transition (ISCED), with the task of coordinating national policies for this transition and its programming.

ISCED is chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers or, in his place, by the Minister of Ecological Transition, and is also composed of the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Economic Development, Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, Labor and social policies and agricultural, food and forestry policies. The other Ministers or their delegates with competence in the matters covered by the provisions and the topics on the agenda also participate.

ISCED approves, within three months from the date of entry into force of the decree-law, the Plan for the ecological transition, with which it identifies the actions, the measures, the sources of financing, the relative time schedule, as well as the competent administrations implementation of individual measures regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable mobility, contrasting hydrogeological instability and soil consumption, water resources and related infrastructures, air quality and circular economy. ISCED also approves the proposals for the reshaping of environmentally harmful subsidies.

Bureaucratic transition: a bureaucracy at the service of the ecological transition

A topic on which, rightly, there is growing attention also from public opinion, as well as from private investors and the European Union itself, is represented by the timing of permitting . In other words, the times that elapse between the request for an environmental assessment of an investment and the issue of the necessary licenses to be able to "open the construction site". I would like to start with some data, on the environmental assessment applications received and on the procedures concluded, in the period from January 2020 to mid-February of this year. Of the received instances 610, 577 are processed (95 per cent), while they are in the course of examination of admissibility verification those recently received (in 33), and that number will be processed within the times prescribed by the regulations. For the remaining 30 applications , deemed non-prosecutable , we are awaiting the transmission of the deeds of improvement by the proposers.

After the installation of the new members, the VIA-VAS Commission effectively managed the flow of investigations submitted to it. However, a backlog, which accumulated in the last period of activity of the previous Commission, needs to be cleared.

In order to strengthen the action of the EIA – SEA Commission, the Ministry intends to prepare the best solution to make up for the accumulated delay.

The extraordinary nature of the current world situation, in the context of which Italy is making an enormous effort to restart its production system, imposes a paradigm of administrative procedures and regulatory structures that translates the economic resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) in concrete projects that are promptly implemented by the public administration system.

In this perspective, with the agreement and direction of Parliament, targeted corrective measures must be identified that are not yet another reworking of the permitting systems, which periodically generates interpretative confusion in public operators, leaving them stranded.

Rather, specific corrective measures inspired by national best administrative practices must be identified.

It is a fact that recently the implementation efficiency of new initiatives (eg renewable installations) has been about one tenth of what was planned ( check numbers in terms of MWh planned and actually installed in the last three years). These are pathological inefficiencies that we will not be able to afford in the implementation phase of the programs proposed by the PNRR. Similarly, the auction mechanism for renewable energy plants needs to be reviewed: recently, in Spain, demand for wind farms was three times higher than supply, while in Italy less than a quarter of the capacity put up was awarded. race.

To this end, interactions have already been initiated with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility to jointly research proposals and regulatory interventions, to be submitted to parliamentary scrutiny, aimed at making procedures faster, and with the Ministry of Culture to create a system permitting that offers certain procedures, times and solutions throughout the national territory and that adheres to objective parameters in assessing the impact of renewable energy plants, even, for example, in areas with an agricultural vocation not subject to restrictions.

Public debate: public consultation tools for speeding up the implementation process

Particular attention will be paid by the Dicastery to the comparison with citizenship and stakeholders in the name of a public debate which, in the context of public consultation tools, ensures information, discussion (including dialectical) and the composition of interests.

In this sense, the culture of public consultation will be strengthened as a tool for the composition of different instances, for speeding up procedural procedures and for the implementation of government activities. The Dicastery will encourage the carrying out of public consultations, according to the principles of impartiality, inclusion, transparency, timeliness and feedback of the decisions taken with respect to the findings that emerged in consultation and according to procedures that guarantee and facilitate correct and effective participation in certain times. The tools of public participation represent an effective tool for the preventive resolution of conflicts and litigation and, therefore, for the fastest implementation of administrative action.

The model of the “Genova San Giorgio bridge”: ideality and concreteness for a preferential lane that carries out the projects of the PNRR.

In this context, the governance of the PNRR represents a critical factor: at a time when an extraordinary reconstruction effort is being made, the country must have a system of authorization procedures that drastically raise the implementation results of public intervention projects and incentives and you simplify intervention and private partnership.

The “Genoa model” represents an example of virtuous governance and the ability to express the most generous energies and the highest professionalism in times of difficulty. It is not the only one, certainly, but we will need the best administrative skills to guarantee, in addition to the obvious and essential transparency and correctness, the equally indispensable effectiveness and respect for the times dictated by the European agenda and the sense of duty with respect to future generations. .

The synergy with the Parliament and the parliamentary committees

The action of the Dicastery will be constantly based on confrontation with Parliament and with the committees of merit, which constitute the constitutionally qualified interlocutor of the Government for the representation and composition of the requests of stakeholders and the community, instances which – overall period of crisis we are experiencing – they can be different and sometimes conflicting.

In this sense, it is my intention to enhance and stimulate the dialogue with the parliamentary committees, which will be based on the circulation of information, ensuring, on the one hand, the timely response to the acts of inspection that will be addressed to the Ministry and, by other, acknowledging the synthesis of the various sensitivities expressed by Parliament in the address documents that it will address to the Government.

Therefore, I invite the Presidents of the Commissions to evaluate an articulation of the work of the Commissions that provides for the weekly presence of the Undersecretaries for the conduct of the inspections, as the first and immediate point of contact with the Ministry.

In this circular communication perspective, it is in the Dicastery's interest to acquire the in-depth investigations that the Commissions have carried out and will carry out on the specific issues of competence and, in particular, on the bills under examination. The parliamentary commissions represent in fact the best forum for confrontation between the political parties for the examination of technical aspects: the place where solutions can be framed and syntheses capable of composing positions that, at first, may even seem conflicting.

Excursus on the main initiatives of the Ministry

The administrative machinery of the Ministry needs to be strengthened in terms of human resources, especially with technical skills and international experience, and technological equipment . This enhancement is made even more urgent by the relevant skills acquired in the energy sector. As regards the strengthening of human resources, the insolvency procedures in place will continue – slowed down due to the pandemic – which provide for the acquisition of technical officials, experienced international cooperation officials, administrative officials and managers. At the same time, an integrated digitalization plan will be launched, adequate to the functions and the complex of activities of the new organizational structure.

As part of the activities aimed at protecting the natural heritage, the dicastery will continue the interventions aimed at mitigating adaptation to climate change in national parks, the definition of the national strategy for biodiversity 2030 and the strengthening of the network of protected areas, also with new digitization processes.

The Ministry intends to seize the opportunities offered by new digital technologies to digitize the offices, the network of parks and the main monitoring activities of the territory , to improve the prevention and safety of the territory and environmental sustainability, integrating all available technologies, such as AI, Cloud, satellites, drones and ground sensors.

The basket of national technologies must be equipped with these tools to make Italy a smart and safe nation, a nation capable of having the best tools for acquiring local data and for their transformation into useful information for the prevention of environmental damage and natural disasters.

In the context of the European Action Plan for the circular economy, the Ministry – through dialogue with local authorities and constant consultation with public and private operators and trade associations – intends to develop the technical and administrative tools for guarantee the support and development of coherent production chains, according to an approach of economic circularity.

In this context, the Ministry will monitor the implementation of the legislative decrees implementing the “Circular economy package” and the preparation of corrective decrees; will define the National Action Plan for the environmental sustainability of consumption in the Public Administration sector with the aim of maximizing the diffusion of Green Public Procurement ; it will improve the tools to support the development of “circular” supply chains, through the adoption of Minimum Environmental Criteria for the new product sectors; will devote himself to drafting the decrees relating to the cessation of the qualification of waste (so-called end of waste ); will update the National Waste Prevention Program; will review the waste traceability register.

On the subject of radioactive waste , I remind you that SOGIN SpA published, on January 5, the National Charter of potentially suitable areas (CNAPI) and that with the "Milleproroghe Decree" 2021 the deadline for public consultation was extended by 120 days. entrusted to SOGIN.

With regard to the Strategies for sustainable development and environmental taxation, the Ministry will contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, at national and international level, and of the environmental programs in the UN and European Union, finalizing the three-year review process of the Strategy National for Sustainable Development and ensuring a broad participation of civil society, scientific institutions and local actors.

It is the intention of my Dicastery to define the PiTESAI by the legal deadline of next September 30, ensuring the collaboration of the regional Administrations and the carrying out of the tasks of their competence and identifying a defined reference framework, to be submitted to SEA, of the areas where it is allowed. the carrying out of prospecting, research and cultivation of hydrocarbons on the national territory.

The issue of environmental assessments and authorizations also arises as a priority in the matter relating to the former ILVA steel plant in Taranto , both with respect to the non-fulfillment of the environmental requirements relating to conveyor belts, and with respect to the possible revision of the AIA requirements following the ordinance of the mayor of Taranto for the closure of the plant due to values ​​over the threshold of fine dust and naphthalene.

Aware of the relevance of the remediation issue, the Ministry's action aims to make it an instrument to ensure, in addition to environmental and health protection, also the circularity of soil and groundwater resources.

The Dicastery therefore intends to pursue an organizational and reform process in the sector, acting on both the administrative and operational functions, to renew the system of remediation and the fight against environmental damage and make it more efficient. On the identification of the so-called “ Orphan sites ”, a synergistic action has been launched with the Regions, in order to better understand the extent of the phenomenon and define the financial needs useful for solving the problem.

Finally, with regard to the disposal and removal of asbestos , the competent management has undertaken actions to boost asbestos removal interventions by innovating both the detection mechanism (also through the use of satellite remote sensing) and financing for the removal .

The Ministry will be involved in the implementation of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) – to which I will return shortly and the National Long Term Strategy (LTS) , in the promotion of sustainable mobility, in the implementation of the national pollution program. and, in general, in strengthening the national air quality strategy, in compliance with international climate commitments.

International and European commitments

The Italian Presidency of the G20, for which climate-environmental issues are dominant (the "P" of Planet of the People Planet Prosperity triad) and the partnership with the United Kingdom for the COP 26 on climate place Italy on the international limelight on climatic and environmental soils.

G20 – The Italian basic program is very broad, covering biodiversity, protected areas and natural heritage, protection of oceans and soil (with the fight against desertification), water, circular economy (including the fight against marine litter ), green finance, subsidies harmful environments, post- Covid 19 recovery oriented towards climate neutrality, cities and smart technologies in the name of decarbonisation and with the contribution of nature-based solutions, mobilization of financial flows for the climate.

COP 26 – According to the agreement reached in 2019 by the UK and Italy, Italy will organize, in the framework of the 26th COP (Conference of Parties) on Climate Change, in Milan from September 28 to October 2 PRE and COP an event – for the first time as part of a COP – dedicated to young people ( Youth4climate: Driving Ambition ).

At the European level, the Ministry will also be involved in the negotiations on the so-called European law on climate , from which the revision of all legislation on climate and energy will start.

With particular reference to the dimensions of the energy market , environmental sustainability and competitiveness , I recall that these are three relevant dimensions at national level. Italy has a higher average price of energy than many other European countries, which affects the quality of life and the competitiveness of the production system.

In terms of planning, Italy – as I have already mentioned – has adopted an Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) , which identifies the targets for 2030 on the various dimensions and represents the country's commitment and contribution to implementation of the so-called "Energy climate package".

In many areas, the Italian targets are more ambitious than what would have resulted from the simple implementation of the Community pre-assignment methodology (especially in the transport sector). In any case, the relaunch in a reinforced dimension of ecological transition could lead to an integration of the PNIEC already in the coming months: with a strengthening of targets and lines of action, together with the reforms required for an effective and efficient implementation of the PNRR.

With regard to the energy markets , Directive 944/2019 and Regulation 943/2019 on the integration of the European electricity market will be implemented; the implementation of the remuneration mechanisms for electricity production capacity ( capacity market ); the development of storage systems (pumping); the reliefs on general system charges that affect gas-intensive companies; the overcoming of the regulated electricity and gas price regime; the preparation of the list of electricity sellers and the list of gas sellers.

With regard to Renewable Energy , it is necessary to define the decree – which has been expected for years – relating to incentives for the production of electricity from renewable sources (so-called FER2 ) and to extend the time duration of the so-called FER1, in order to allow new procedures for auction or register even after September 2021. The interministerial decree is also expected to incentivize biogas plants that entered into operation before 2007 that do not enjoy other public incentives on energy production and the decree amending the discipline of controls and sanctions in subject of incentives for the production of energy from renewable sources under the responsibility of the Energy Services Manager – GSE SpA.

We will also proceed with the transposition of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources ( RED II ) and the identification of suitable and unsuitable areas for the installation of renewable energy plants.

As regards issues related to energy efficiency recovery , the approval process of the decree defining the objectives of the White Certificates mechanism in the period 2021-2024 must be concluded.

The strategy for the redevelopment of the national building stock (STREPIN) , envisaged by the EPBD III directive, is forthcoming .

In terms of sustainable mobility , renewable energies will be promoted in the transport sector with the implementation of the Action Plan for sustainable mobility, envisaged in the implementation of the so-called DAFI directive. The specific actions concern the promotion of biofuels, biomethane and hydrogen with specific reference to the transport sector.

However, it is necessary to focus decisively on electric mobility by developing storage technology that allows the construction of a national battery supply chain and increasing national research to this end.

In the coming months, the provisions of the “Simplification Decree” will have to be implemented, relating to the allocation of 90 million euros for the financing of electric charging infrastructures for business supplies, whose implementation decree is currently being drafted.

The Ministry intends to contribute to the improvement of the safety and sustainability of geomineral activities, giving priority to interventions that strengthen environmental sustainability and the safety of workers in land and sea activities, interacting with stakeholders and identifying the construction solutions most consistent with the guidelines. national energy sources.

Hydrogen was identified in July 2020 by the European Commission as one of the enabling technologies for the progressive decarbonisation of the European energy model. Last November the document “National Hydrogen Strategy – Preliminary Guidelines”, published for consultation, was completed. The document represents a first design of Italy's ambition and objectives on hydrogen, taking up the contributions and reflections of the Italian hydrogen supply chain with a view to supporting the decarbonisation process. In order to reach the final version of the national strategy, expected in the first weeks of April 2021, it was considered appropriate to work on two fronts: on the one hand, to start the consultation with the stakeholders who already work in the hydrogen sector concerned for a greater definition of projects presented and, on the other hand, devising policies to support the development of the hydrogen market in Italy.

From the Ministry's point of view, the resilience of the electricity system , measured in terms of grid safety and adequacy, is of particular importance. At the end of 2020, Terna's assessments for the winter of 2020/2021 were received and the Ministry started a discussion with Terna on the assessments of the adequacy of the system and on the update of the safety measure relating to electricity interruptibility for the period 2021 -2023: the electrical load interruptibility service is one of the most effective tools that Terna has available to ensure the safety of the Italian electricity system. It is an integral part of the national grid defense system and makes it possible to mitigate the risk of widespread outages in the presence of sudden events (loss of generation groups or faults on important grid components).

The Ministry will also prepare the Risk Preparation Plan in the electricity sector , in implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/941 on risk preparation in the electricity sector, which establishes a common framework of rules on prevention methods, preparation and management of electricity crises.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/perche-puntero-su-idrogeno-verde-e-fusione-nucleare-no-batterie-parla-il-ministro-cingolani/ on Tue, 16 Mar 2021 14:45:25 +0000.