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Because the TAR ruling that exempts family doctors from home care for Covid patients is shameful

Because the TAR ruling that exempts family doctors from home care for Covid patients is shameful

I find the applause of the TAR ruling, the Order of Doctors and the general practitioners union repugnant. Here because. The post by Umberto Minopoli, manager and essayist

The ruling of the Lazio TAR which exempts family doctors from home care for Covid patients is shameful. And it is not only a deadly blow against Covid, but a leap back into the civilization of assistance.

According to the TAR, family doctors must not be distracted from treating other pathologies compared to Covid. But, in the practice of thousands of people, sick at home, who and how, according to the TAR, manages to make this distinction? Does the family doctor go to their heart disease or diabetic patient suspected of Covid and not the "pure" Covid? Will it be up to invent a principle of heart attack or a pain in the knee or a glycemic crisis to request a visit to the home of their doctor for an elderly person?

The Covid patient needs, when the infection has not exploded into a respiratory and pulmonary crisis which requires, for this, particular instrumental assistance (intensive therapy), pharmacological treatments and, in some cases, oxygen support.

Apart from the aspect of protection from contagion, which family doctors can easily equip themselves (as millions of their colleagues, nurses and patients' families do), treating Covid at home is no different from any other pathology.

According to the TAR, the home care function belongs only to the Usca. Which do not yet exist everywhere and, above all, are not visible to citizens. From direct experience I have verified that, if the general practitioner abstains from the intervention at home, you do not yet have the Usca but only two tools: the ride to the hospital (if you are not paraplegic and bedridden) with your car and the 118 Which then, does not assist but hospitalizes you.

I find the applause of the TAR ruling, the Order of Doctors and the general practitioners union repugnant.

As usual, it is shown that individual general practitioners, very often heroic in this epidemic, are better, but much better than their corporate and trade union bodies. And the government knows: many aspects of emergency management will be evaluated, things done well or badly, enough refreshments or not, the colors of the areas (yellow, orange and red), the contagion index here or there, but the real banana peel or judgment criterion of the ruling class, national and local, on this epidemic will be territorial medicine: how much and what alternative exists, for citizens, in their homes, in the hospital.

And, eight months after the start of the epidemic, the papers are not in order on this: neither for the national government nor for the Regions. Then maybe it will depend on skills and areas of power or bureaucratic practices (competitions, etc.). That is, from the problems of guessing.

Applause to the Lazio Region which appeals against the shameful sentence of the Tar.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/perche-e-vergognosa-la-sentenza-del-tar-che-esenta-i-medici-di-famiglia-dallassistenza-domiciliare-ai-malati-covid/ on Tue, 17 Nov 2020 14:20:41 +0000.