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Because there are no waste vaccines. Bucci’s Post

Because there are no waste vaccines. Bucci's Post

All vaccines, effectiveness aside, substantially eliminate the risk of severe consequences of the Covid-19 disease. The post by Enrico Bucci, Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, adjunct professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, author of the book "Bad Scientists"

I would like to briefly recap why, as far as I'm concerned, I will make any vaccine as soon as possible for my risk range, once it has been approved by the regulatory authorities.

Look at the graph below (credits: Thomas Pueyo), which shows the percentage reduction in symptoms and the percentage reduction in severe cases for all vaccines that are more advanced in approval in Europe or already approved (for the fussy: I know that there is no error index, but I assure you that even that is substantially similar for each vaccine).

VACCINES efficacy
From a personal risk standpoint, each additional month without any of these vaccines means an increased risk of severe consequences of Sars-CoV-2 infection .

For what we know today, all vaccines essentially eliminate the risk of these consequences, while they induce a very small risk of collateral consequences that give some concern.

The newly arrived Astrazeneca vaccine is also no different from all the others.

From the point of view of individual risk, therefore, it does not make much sense to throw tantrums about the vaccine that is offered to us.

PS: this discourse does not in the least affect the criticisms on other aspects of the research that are in progress; it's just that as far as the single aspect of individual risk prevention is concerned, really all – absolutely all – the vaccines in the figure have produced solid evidence.

( Post published on Enrico Bucci's Facebook profile )

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/perche-non-esistono-vaccini-di-scarto-il-post-di-enrico-bucci/ on Mon, 15 Feb 2021 13:29:12 +0000.