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Because there is turmoil regarding the renewal of the metalworkers’ contract

Because there is turmoil regarding the renewal of the metalworkers' contract

Metalworkers' contract: outside of ideological approaches, the parties can patiently identify a pragmatic way that allows wealth to be distributed after it has been produced. Sacconi's comment

The renewal of metalworkers' contracts is becoming increasingly complicated. The parties, in recent days, have highlighted a distance that is not only quantitative (140 versus 280 euro increase) but above all methodological.

Federmeccanica challenges the trade unions with a request that would make the salary an independent variable because it is detached from the calculation resulting from the current inter-confederal agreement which provides for salary increases consistent with the recovery of inflation net of imported energy prices. Don't forget that the category is the largest and brings together the smallest carpentry and the largest steelworks. This contract is even employed by one of the largest consultancy firms as it is inherited from the days when it had manufacturing. It is therefore difficult to identify a fixed figure acceptable to companies of very different sizes, product categories and geographical locations.

The controversy affects the entire world of work which aspires to higher wages and the entire business system which feels the growth of competitive pressures in the global market. It will be interesting to verify the opinion of the Confederation to which Federmeccanica belongs, namely Confindustria . For years, all European and international institutions have been calling for the connection between wages and productivity. Especially in Italy where labor productivity shows trends far from those of the main competitors. The need therefore arises to identify ways in which this connection can be achieved. Corporate contracts are still limited and the tax incentive is complicated. Territorial contracts take too much effort to get off the ground.

We should at least identify in the national contract parameters on the basis of which the companies associated with the signatory organization should automatically arrange salary increases in proportion to the greater verified productivity. And at the same time develop that sort of indirect salary represented by complementary health and social security funds, which could also include the reimbursement of expenses for assistance to non-self-sufficient members. Away from ideological approaches, the parties can patiently identify a pragmatic way that allows wealth to be distributed after having produced it.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/perche-sul-rinnovo-del-contratto-dei-metalmeccanici-ce-subbuglio/ on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:08:03 +0000.