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Because trusting Draghi serves Italy

Because trusting Draghi serves Italy

The intervention of Sister Anna Monia Alfieri, expert in school policies

Dear all,

Wednesday 20 July will be the day of truth: President Draghi returns to Parliament and we will see which political forces will fulfill their institutional duty and support the Premier. I hope, I wish it to myself but to all Italians, that we are spared the duty, once again, to start from zero. Family Act, PNRR and budget law are the three priorities, the three objectives that cannot in any way be sacrificed on the altar of irresponsibility.

1) Those who manage complex organizations know well that there are many priorities but among them it is necessary to act with a sense of opportunity: even the best choices, if inappropriate, turn out to be unsuccessful.

2) The priority for our young people today is this: to guarantee school for all, certainly not a low-profile school, but a quality school .

3) Only if the government of national unity is enabled to carry out what it was born for, will citizens regain confidence in politics. Let's remember: Italians are citizens and, as such, will go to vote. And they will remember who acted for personal gain or for civic sense. Continuing to put the government in crisis, without allowing it to carry out the reforms, has fueled the distrust of the electorate. Proof is the fact that the ballot boxes are deserted. Result? For years the country has not been able to have a government elected by the people because there are NOT the necessary numbers, logically the government in turn cannot carry out the reforms and the citizens remain further disoriented.

Let's think about it: going to vote right now, what result would it lead to? Inevitably a technical government, given the highly uncertain electoral result.

Therefore, I invite the political forces to trust the Draghi Government, the only guarantee of national and international stability.

Let's NOT waste any more time, the stakes are too high: the stability of our country, at home and abroad. Full speed ahead, then!

In spite of everything, let's go ahead with courage: I still have faith in politics.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-dare-la-fiducia-a-draghi-serve-allitalia/ on Tue, 19 Jul 2022 06:46:44 +0000.