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Bnl, Bper and more, here are the latest commercial pressures reported

Bnl, Bper and more, here are the latest commercial pressures reported

All the latest news on commercial pressures in banks denounced by the trade unions against the main credit groups. Emanuela Rossi's article

There are still complaints from trade unions regarding commercial pressures , a problem that has afflicted the banking category for years. The latest, in chronological order, concern Bnl but also Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, Banco Bpm, Bper and Mps have had the spotlight on the issue.


Speaking of commercial pressures, it should be remembered that in 2017, for the first time, ABI and the trade unions signed an agreement on the issue but "the results are struggling to arrive" said a few months ago Lando Maria Sileoni, Fabi secretary general during the hearing in the bicameral commission of inquiry on the banking and financial system, last June. "The main reason is one – he explained to the parliamentarians -: most of the agreements signed within the groups, to improve and adapt the national agreement to the individual companies, have been repeatedly rejected by the banks themselves, by the companies themselves who, in some cases, have refused to guarantee the anonymity of their employees' reports ".

On the same occasion, Sileoni presented a dossier from Fabi in which many cases of commercial pressure are retraced and in which, for example, "the very heavy sanctions – overall over 20 million – of the Antitrust (AGCM) imposed on Unicredit, Intesa, Ubi and Bnl ”in March 2020“ for having conducted aggressive commercial practices ”in relation to the combined sale of policies and loans.

And 2022, again according to the trade unions in the sector, is continuing in the same way given that in March the coordinations of the Banco Bpm group of Fabi, First, Fisac, Uilca and Unisin signed a rather harsh joint note: "It will be greed to repeat the extraordinary results of 2021, will be the tension of the management already with a view to possible corporate transactions and consequent fear of losing their job, but 2022 began with a truly unlivable climate in the commercial network ".


Returning to BNL, it is now the coordination of the Unisin union group to put other accusations on paper. "For some time now the bank has taken a strange turn, inconceivable for those who have their hands in the dough every day in contact with customers, inconceivable for all commercial roles because you work at a full pace and immediately" is the debut of the note in which the finger is pointed at “the continuous pressures received, the emails on the products to sell, those on the contests to be seized on the fly, those on the budgets to be closed, the gruesome ones on the best and least good. On the other hand, you never read e-mails on the improvement of computer systems, on the resolution of problems now rooted in the programs in use, no one who is aware of the difficulties of working with the public with continuous hitches at the PC ".

For this reason, Unisin renews its invitation to BNL employees to "act conscientiously and rationally, without getting caught up in the haste or anxiety of the shift boss" and to turn to the trade unions. Then "the means that we can use to assert our rights or rather not to see them trampled" are recalled, starting with the 2016 Protocol on trade policies, which established a Joint Commission "in consideration of the importance and sensitivity of the issue" to investigate and evaluate phenomena that are inconsistent with the system of values ​​and the indications shared by the Protocol, harmful to the dignity of people and their professionalism.

Then there is the Regulation of the National Commission on Commercial Policies and Work Organization, signed in ABI, which is part of the 2017 agreement and which governs the management of reports of "significant issues relating to significant cases, of a general nature". These reports can be made to the National Commission by the company or group Commissions provided for by the company agreements, by the representatives of the company part or by the company or group bodies themselves. “Both of these commissions – concludes the note from Unisn Bnl – arose to somehow stem the multiple abuses that happened and still happen throughout the territory. However, the responsibility of each one is needed to counter these episodes, since it is only by declaring them to the union that they can bring forward the demands of male and female workers ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/bnl-bper-pressioni-banche/ on Mon, 10 Oct 2022 05:42:47 +0000.