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But what a beautiful culinary theater between Letta and Conte on the Quirinale

But what a beautiful culinary theater between Letta and Conte on the Quirinale

Damato's Scratches on Letta, Conte and more

Giuseppe Conte and Enrico Letta, in strictly alphabetical order, must have very little regard for journalists and readers if they have had the confidence to pass as "confidential" their two-hour convivial meeting improvised a stone's throw from Montecitorio, in one of the restaurants most notoriously frequented by politicians. And also by sitting down, not in the back of the room but next to a window to be filmed, albeit in a not very brilliant way for image quality, by a Tg3 camera. And then by having all the reporters, absolutely everyone, write that they have spoken, as well as the issues with which the government is grappling these days and the results of the administrative elections, also about the race to the Quirinale. Or above all of this, I take the liberty of suspecting, however, despite the "moratorium" proposed, or at least imposed by Letta in recent weeks, while waiting for the Chambers to be convened jointly, in January, for the election of Sergio Mattarella's successor.

Come on, Mr Letta, now that you have regained this title with the election in Siena, which is no longer despised by the grillini, at least by those with a Contian trend: please try not to make fun of information any more than it is humanly acceptable, with the pretense of entrusting such an important problem on an institutional and political level to a confrontation, a negotiation and so on, all hidden. Which is, moreover, the worst way to defend the indirect, and not direct, election of the head of state, as the vast majority of Italians would prefer.

The truth is – with or without the consent of Conte and Letta to try to tell it and explain it to the readers – that the two diners wanted to interrupt the journalistic representation of a Silvio Berlusconi protagonist of the game. Who not only has no intention of "pulling back", as he publicly announced, from the race to the Quirinale, even at his age and with all the health and court problems he has, but has taken care to bind him to support him although usually divergent right-wing allies, committed to voting for him. Or at least, as Matteo Salvini later pointed out in public, to make the center-right "decisive" in the election of Mattarella's successor: something clearly different from a Berlusconi or nothing.

If we really want to say it all, always with or without the consent of the interested parties, in those two hours of convivial meeting behind a window Conte and Salvini tried in their own way to block what Il Fatto Quotidiano defined in today's front page title. Berlusconi's "shopping". Which even lacked by now only 35 votes to the absolute majority of the so-called "great electors", including deputies, senators and regional delegates, against the 54 who are still in the Corriere della Sera : all and everything, of course, gross of even discounted " snipers ". Which in previous editions of the race to the Quirinal were nullified competitors such as Romano Prodi, Arnaldo Forlani, Amintore Fanfani in chronological order backwards, between the second and first Republic, and without including in the list Giovanni Leone, blocked before the election in 1971, and Aldo Moro did not even get to the votes in the Montecitorio courtroom, again in 1971, as a candidate for the DC

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/ma-che-bel-teatrino-culinario-fra-letta-e-conte-sul-quirinale/ on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 07:00:10 +0000.