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Calenda and Renzi are the real losers in Lombardy and Lazio

Calenda and Renzi are the real losers in Lombardy and Lazio

Who won and who lost in the regional elections in Lombardy and Lazio. Paola Sacchi's note

Clear victory for the centre-right, the opposition melts away . After 13 years, the center-right also won Lazio, with Francesco Rocca, and won again in Lombardy, which it has governed for almost 30 years, with Northern League president Attilio Fontana. FdI is confirmed, as in Policies, as the first party. Fly over 30 percent, according to the data up to yesterday evening, in Lazio, but in Lombardy with over 26 percent, while confirming the clear primacy of Policies, exceeds but not double as on 25 September in some realities, even at North, Lega and FI put together.

A sign of a rebalancing of consensus in the center-right comes from Lombardy, where the League rises to over 16 percent (it was 13 in Politics) and FI holds on with about 7 percent, once again stopping the aims of Carlo's third pole Calenda, Matteo Renzi and their candidate Letizia Moratti who fails to be elected to the regional council. FI also blocks third parties in Lazio, where it triples their consents.

Almost a curse for Renzi and Calenda that of the Cav, which began in 2016, in the constitutional referendum, when Berlusconi was decisive in making the No bar hang over 60 percent, swearing to his followers: "Renzi does not get my votes ”. And today the blue result also from Lazio (almost 10 percent) makes the parent company of FI in the Senate, Licia Ronzulli, say, with her counterpart in the Chamber, Alessandro Cattaneo, after the attack on the Cav for the critical output in open polls on Zelensky while confirming that he is against Putin: “Should Berlusconi disappear politically? Goodbye to you, Calenda. Wake up, the center is already there, it's us. We are for Ukraine and Berlusconi is a man of peace as Pratica di Mare demonstrates”.

Satisfied Berlusconi for FI: “Although Forza Italia did not express either of the two candidates, who had a driving effect on their party lists, it obtained a consensus equal to or greater than that of the last general elections. We are decisive politically and numerically”.

Overall, it is the government that hits the target. "It is an important and significant result that consolidates the centre-right coalition and strengthens the action of the government", comments Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Berlusconi telephones her, congratulates her and Matteo Salvini and confirms: "Forward with the legislature government".

The Northern League leader, deputy prime minister and infrastructure minister is more than steadfast at the command bridge in Via Bellerio, in spite of somewhat Martian narratives. FI and Lega don't seem to lose votes compared to Policies. And this clearly removes tensions and strengthens the Meloni government. Salvini adds that in some important areas of Lombardy the League has returned to 20 percent and that "if you add up our votes to those on the Fontana list, we are the first party". He concludes: "Team play with Giorgia and Silvio works", even if the Northern League leader does not hide the problem of high abstention, "a defeat for all".

As Northern League senator Claudio Borghi recalled in a tweet, already in 2020 Stefano Bonaccini of the Democratic Party won again in Emilia Romagna with a low turnout of 37 percent. The League in Lazio until yesterday evening was on 8 percent, a result that is not obvious, with peaks in some realities of 18, confirming the validity of Salvini's choice of a national League.

In Lombardy, will the vice president now be from FdI, as the Melonians ask? Fontana: “No one will impose his point of view. We will talk about it with still bowls ”. Maurizio Gasparri and Giorgio Mulè, two big Azzurri, vice presidents of the Senate and Chamber: “Are we problems? Pd, Cinque Stelle and Third Pole have them. The center-right has made a coat”. "There is a common feeling of trust in the government", observes the blue coordinator, deputy prime minister and foreign minister, Antonio Tajani.

It is a clash, with rebound of accusations, however, in the center-left and between the Pd and the Five Stars. And harsh controversies even within the Democratic Party itself, grappling with the congress, between the favored candidate Bonaccini and Goffredo Bettini with the old guard of the so-called "best" that the Emilian governor is targeting the accusations. Enrico Letta, while clearly admitting defeat, underlines that in any case the Democratic Party has grown and that Giuseppe Conte and the Third Pole have not achieved much. Conte counterattacks: "You have little to toast". But if we want to gloss it in the manner of the much-discussed Sanremo, one could say, in the wake of the lifetime achievement award to Peppino Di Capri: champagne, "I have to celebrate the end of a love affair..". When the songs are also suitable for politics.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/elezioni-regionali-lombardia-lazio-vincitori-sconfitti/ on Tue, 14 Feb 2023 06:26:40 +0000.