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ChatGpt’s debut in Parliament (as Senator)

ChatGpt's debut in Parliament (as Senator)

A very curious experiment was held in Parliament today to reflect on. Senator Marco Lombardo of Azione gave a speech entirely produced by the artificial intelligence of ChatGpt (and nobody noticed it). Here is the result and the role of Engineering

This morning Senator Marco Lombardo of Azione delivered a speech in the Senate on the bill for the ratification of the Italy-Switzerland agreements on frontier workers. And up to here, nothing strange. At the end of the intervention, however, Lombardo made a rather unexpected revelation.

The senator said the words he spoke were not his, but not in the sense that an aide had written them to him. They were the work of ChatGpt. And no, no one had noticed anything.

“I hope that this provocation – Lombardo said – can be useful for reflecting on the type of challenges and risks associated with artificial intelligence. Then it is a warning to politics to highlight that, like many other fields and sectors, it is not immune to simulations carried out through intelligent computer systems. At stake is a crucial issue such as democracy ”.

Here's how it went and the full text of the speech.


Engineering, an Italian company specializing in IT consultancy in particular for the public administration, utility, telco and industry sectors, supported Lombardo's experiment and explained how the speech was constructed.

After having instructed GPT4 by providing it with the bill as the topic of the speech, the speeches of several Action senators on the subject in order to identify the party line and the discussion of the provision with the interventions of all the parliamentary groups to give a context to the intervention, Engineering asked the artificial intelligence (AI) to write the intervention following a flow of thoughts, which in the AI ​​field, the experts explain, is called Chain Of Thoughts .

The "chain of thoughts" involved: identifying positive sides and gaps in the bill, analyzing the points found and developing insights for each one, ordering them in a logical flow so as to be able to organize a speech and then create the actual text on the style of what he had read from the other senators.



Below is the complete text of Senator Lombardo's speech produced by ChatGpt:

Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to discuss a measure of fundamental importance for thousands of cross-border workers and for the border areas between Italy and Switzerland. For too long these workers and these areas have had to deal with an outdated and inadequate legal and fiscal system, which not only made the daily life of many people difficult, but also represented an obstacle to economic development and cooperation between the two countries. Finally, thanks to this Bill, we are able to make the necessary changes and modernizations to this system.

But what does this provision actually mean for cross-border workers and border territories? First of all, it establishes a new tax agreement between Italy and Switzerland which, in addition to adapting to the needs of the 21st century, guarantees fairer and more correct treatment for all workers involved. In particular, an increase in the deductible from 7,500 to 10,000 euros is expected, a fundamental aspect to ensure more favorable conditions for new cross-border workers.

Furthermore, the provision ensures the stabilization of the financial resources allocated to border municipalities, amounting to approximately 89 million euros, which are essential for guaranteeing the quality of services and opportunities offered to businesses and households residing in these territories. In this regard, it is important to underline the establishment of a Fund for socio-economic and infrastructural development, which will start from an initial endowment of 1.66 million euros and, in 2045, will reach over 220 million euros destined to promote infrastructural development and bridging the gap between local businesses and those across the border.

However, we cannot ignore a still unresolved issue: teleworking. Despite the commitments undertaken by Minister Giorgetti, this issue still remains pending, causing difficulties for the organization of many people's lives, especially women. In a society that still tends to share family and domestic responsibilities unequally, women often find themselves having to balance work commitments and family tasks, with a negative impact on their careers, well-being and gender equality in the world of work. Work.

Isn't teleworking therefore a real opportunity to reduce this gap? promoting greater participation of them in the labor market and a better balance between work and private life? In fact, teleworking is synonymous with working hours flexibility and the possibility of managing one's family responsibilities more efficiently and represents a great opportunity, but for its potential to translate into concrete benefits, a collective commitment and a far-sighted vision are needed on the part of institutions, employers and workers.

And how could we fail to consider the environmental impact of teleworking? We live in an age in which climate change represents one of the most serious threats to our planet and to future generations. In this context, teleworking can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global warming.

The reduction of daily home-work commutes, thanks to teleworking, contributes not only to the reduction of traffic congestion and air pollution, but also to the improvement of air quality in our cities. Faced with these opportunities, we cannot afford to ignore the potential of teleworking and must work together to create the conditions for this mode of working to become the norm and not the exception.

But how can we address this issue effectively and sustainably? It is essential that the Government collaborate closely with the Swiss counterparts and with the social partners, in order to identify shared solutions for teleworking. This process could include establishing clear and transparent rules on working hours, responsibilities, rights and obligations of workers and employers, as well as ensuring adequate technological and infrastructural support to facilitate working from home.

In conclusion, addressing the issue of teleworking for cross-border workers between Italy and Switzerland is of fundamental importance to ensure a better and more equitable future for all workers involved, as well as to support the socio-economic development of border territories.

We ask the Government to follow up on these commitments and find an appropriate solution as soon as possible.

Despite the current lack of an adequate solution for teleworking, the measure we are discussing today represents an important milestone for cross-border workers and for the border areas between Italy and Switzerland. Our Action-Italia Viva group will therefore support this Bill, while urging the Government to resolve the issue of teleworking as soon as possible.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/il-debutto-di-chatgpt-in-parlamento-in-veste-di-senatore/ on Wed, 31 May 2023 11:52:29 +0000.