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Confindustria, what Orsini will do and who supported him

Confindustria, what Orsini will do and who supported him

What will change in Confindustria with president Emanuele Orsini?

A twist in the troubled Confindustria affair. On the day before the vote of the 187 electors, Garrone withdrew with a dignified letter calling for unity. As a consequence, Emanuele Orsini will be the future president of Confindustria.

The Emilian entrepreneur was now leading the forecasts following the agreement with Tonino Gozzi which brought him almost all of his 40 votes in the general council due to the common aversion to the old Confindustria establishment and the shared commitment against the Green Deal European.

From a political point of view, as much as Orsini is considered close to the government, Garrone seemed to express the traditional "politically correct" positions pro-CGIL , environmentalists, sympathetic to the opposition. All the past presidents who, with the exceptions of D'Amato and Fossa, had supported the leading wind power entrepreneur, the (once) powerful Assolombarda, and the Piedmont associations were defeated.

The constituency of the future president is instead widespread and ranges from the province of Lombardy to central-eastern Veneto, Emilia, Tuscany, Lazio and the South. Furthermore, all the large trade associations supported it, from metalworking to chemistry, to steel and wood. And public subsidiaries.

Orsini will now have the task of restoring credibility to the Confindustria system after the ugly page of Gozzi's exclusion and after twenty years of "politicist" management, that is, more attentive to political relations than to the genuine representation of the company's interests in a country where the anti-industrial culture still survives. He is expected to strengthen the Confindustria structure, dialogue with the government after the European vote to change the ideological norms of the Union, the renewal of industrial relations, the desire to reduce the tax pressure on companies.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/confindustria-emanuele-orsini-nuovo-presidente/ on Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:11:25 +0000.