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Conte cannot be too calm (Pd and Italia Viva say)

Conte cannot be too calm (Pd and Italia Viva say)

All the public and private puffs of the Democratic Party and Italy on the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte

"The fear of Europe" screamed in the realistic, not at all exaggerated, front page title of the Republic for the advance of the viral pandemic can also be seen clearly on the faces above it: those of the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, of the French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel: of the latter, I must say, in a particular way. And certainly not for the gossip that would also annoy her for the betrayal of her husband, who fell in love with a former pupil, however, in these times so dangerous for distances, so to speak, unconventional. The usual Libero could not resist the temptation to roughly bring the Chancellor's "horns" to the front page and to attribute to them the not-so-recent "tremors" of Merkel taken by photographers and television operators in public circumstances.

If the fear of Europe is great, that of Italy governed by Giuseppe Conte, despite or precisely because of the squares and surroundings crowded with people opposed to the restrictive measures just adopted by yet another pdcm of Palazzo Chigi, seems to have obtained the discount not I understood well by whom. The Republic itself , always the paper one, has attributed to the Prime Minister "three reserve plans" to try to avoid a new lockdown. Too bad that, if these plans really exist and he exposed them not to the Chamber, where Conte spoke in embarrassing solitude from the government benches, but to the group leaders of the majority, having been those of the opposition probably excluded to save them from contagion risks, the discussion it resulted in a trial, or almost, to him.

The usually well-informed Maria Teresa Meli reported about it in great detail and quotation marks in a background in the Corriere della Sera . Who attributed, among other things, to the leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber Graziano Delrio, former undersecretary, minister and so on, these words addressed to the Prime Minister: "If you really think that things are going well, I am even more worried because it means that you do not have the perception of reality ”. On the other hand, it is well known, indeed well known, the intolerance of the Democratic Party for the lack of "change of pace" repeatedly asked the government by the secretary himself Nicola Zingaretti, also thanks to the electoral results of September and October, between regions and municipalities, which at least they have spared him a good part of the feared damage.

But even more impatient than the Democratic Party, to the point of procuring protests and criticisms from risk, so to speak, of annoying overrun in the siege or whatever else in Conte, is Matteo Renzi's Italia Viva. Whose group leader in the Chamber Maria Elena Boschi at one point, again according to the background of the Corriere della Sera , asked to record her reservations and concerns about the measures taken by the government, and also about others that seem to be on the way, so that the Prime Minister, directly or indirectly, cannot go back to complaining that in top meetings, and the like, everything goes smoothly, or almost, and then the Renzians fire on his diligence.

Conte therefore, if he has not been "abandoned by everyone" and is not "a lonely man in disarray", as the ones of Libero represented him satisfied in the front page headlines, a lot of problems in his majority , and in the same government, he really has them, in addition to the extraordinary ones from Covid.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-conte-non-puo-stare-troppo-sereno-dicono-pd-e-italia-viva/ on Thu, 29 Oct 2020 06:10:20 +0000.