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Conte’s crickets on Draghi, US elections and Mattarella

Conte's crickets on Draghi, US elections and Mattarella

What does Conte think and say? The Scratches of Damato

Among the arguments used by the supporters of the referendum to the 345 seats of the Chambers out of 945 cut with scissors exhibited in the square by the grillini in front of Montecitorio is the one that cannot be said no out of spite to the 5 Star Movement. Of which too many would forget in this election campaign that, despite the voluntary defections or expulsions that took place after the start of this legislature, it remains the most represented party in Parliament.

On the consistency of the pentastellated parliamentary groups this discourse seems to be spinning. But, in fact, it seems. In reality, it does not rank at all because the Grillini parliamentary groups, like the entire movement that is or should be behind them, are now something indefinable. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte must increasingly defend himself from the disorder, which is growing day by day, by resorting even more than before, and than usual, to open votes of confidence. Which, however, is no longer enough, or less and less enough, to bring back dissent and to put in line deputies and senators in disarray. The Honorable Federica Dieni also regretted this after having disciplinedly voted the confidence in the government placed against the suppressive proposal, her and another fifty colleagues, of a paragraph of the decree-law that will allow the extension of the summits and sub-summits of the secret services for four years, equal to 1,460 days, in the wake – or under the pretext – of the extension of two and a half months, equal to 75 days, of the state of viral emergency.

On the conditions in which the Grillino movement finds itself, I refer to the chronicle of Luca De Carolis, of the unsuspected Daily Fact : “Today the Five Stars belong to no one, they have no certainties and no certain course. So in the M5S everyone makes war on everyone: also because they smell the blood, that is, a reshuffle after the Regionals ”.

Yet to this party and its "labor", to use the term of Conte when he speaks of it, it is expected that all reserve such respect as to suffer every kind of claim, making this legislature a hostage. Halfway through his path, or his kidnapping, it can even happen that the Prime Minister, rightly pinned on Twitter by the former Defense Minister Arturo Parisi, happens to participate in a party of the aforementioned and enchanted Daily Fact to express indifference of the Italian government on the race underway in the United States between outgoing President Donald Trump and Democratic competitor Joe Biden.

"It makes no difference", as Conte said, it could be compatible with Trump's cheering for "Giuseppi", in the plural, one for a majority and the other for the opposite one that was being born and was born last year, but not with the duty not to interfere at all in the elections of a country which is also an ally: our main ally. I would not want to bother Antonio Gramsci's memory to underline the negative value of indifference. And to remember that it is preferable to be silent rather than speaking imprudently, in one direction or the opposite, or more simply ambiguous, such as the reference – in another circumstance – to the providential "weariness" confessed by Mario Draghi to Conte who wanted to nominate him a year ago at the unlikely presidency of the new European Commission booked by the Germans, not by a passer-by. This time the prime minister was pinched by cartoonist Emilio Giannelli on the front page of Corriere della Sera .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/i-grilli-di-conte-su-draghi-elezioni-usa-e-mattarella/ on Sun, 06 Sep 2020 08:40:33 +0000.